Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 30th January 2009 | Issue 664

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Despite the incarceration of the so-called leaders of SHAC (See SchNEWS 663), the campaign against animal testers Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) continues. Customers of HLS have been targeted as protesters made their presence known to Bayer in both Uxbridge and Cambridge, where they caused delivery failures as Bayer staff ran to lock the doors. On the same day a visit to Xerox in Uxbridge was made and workers were made aware of their employer’s ties to HLS as they made their way to the pub. PDP couriers, Barclays and Bristol Meyers Squibb were also targeted and actions also took place in solidarity with SHAC in New York.

The campaign continues to target the Bank of England, bankrollers of HLS - the next demo at the Bank of England in central London is on Feb 27th, 12 noon.

* See


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