Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 13th February 2009 | Issue 666

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“A great Brown Beast shall overthrow his master in consort with the Prince of Darkness; he that is the Son of Mandel. And the sons of men shall be laid low before before the demon brothers Reseshun and Represhun. And there shall be a great wailing and gnashing of teeth throughout the land. The greed of man shall know no bounds and the rivers will run dry; the sea invade the land and the weather wax most wrath. All will bear the number of the beast and walk under the gaze of unblinking eyes. Every act of man shall be written in the book of the Grim RIPA. and many will be bound in iron and stone in the fortress of TITAN. Babylon shall fall in flames and War will burn the children of the Holy Land. Amen“


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