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Home | Friday 13th February 2009 | Issue 666

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It’s well known that SchNEWS never knowingly checks its facts and is dangerously over-reliant on Wikipedia as the source of all knowledge (maybe we can be forgiven for having no budget, no resouces, no time and no inclination to care?) – but can the Conservative Party really think the whole world runs this way?

Seemingly so as a Cameron knucklehead in Party central office got caught out this week after changing the artist Titian’s date of birth on Wikipedia soley so Davey boy could make a minor point-scoring quip to Gordon Brown by claiming he’d got the artists age wrong in a crap speech at the World Economic Forum recently.

Thank heaven they’re too stupid to know about IP addresses or else they could be rewriting history all over the place and we’d be swallowing it left, right and centre. It’s not like the good old days when that lovely sensible Lady Thatcher was in charge...

Keywords: david cameron, gordon brown, hypocrisy, tory, wikipedia


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