Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 6th March 2009 | Issue 667

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This Tuesday (3rd) saw the “Plane Stupid Scotland Golf Open 2009” in the early hours of the morning on the tarmac at Aberdeen Airport, in protest against the approved expansion of the airport.

Having surrounded their crazy golf course with security fencing, tee-off started around 2am, preventing the runway re-opening at 5am, for another day of churning out CO2 into the atmosphere. The golf theme was in relation to plans to expand the nearby Donald Trump golf course – more land due to be lost as well as the expanded airport – both of which Trump is a keen supporter of.

But the impromptu tournament was brought to a premature close after six hours when police told the golfers that the taxiway where they had set up their course was needed by an emergency helicopter transporting a baby that required urgent treatment. The eleven protesters duly complied, and were then nicked, charged with breach of the peace and locked-up all night.
It has since emerged that the police were possibly not being entirely honest. Or that maybe they were lying through their teeth. Following the action Plane Stupid contacted Aberdeen Hospital, who told them that not only were they unaware of any transfers requested by air on the day in question but also that Aberdeen A&E had its own emergency helipad and could only envisage using the airport if the accident was there.

Despite the denial, Grampian Police later claimed that the flight had actually taken place. The protesters are now investigating the possibility that police were using an unfairway to handicap the campaign.

* See

Keywords: airport expansion, direct action, golf, plane stupid


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