Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 24th April 2009 | Issue 673

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For leaving a bin laden with food...

One of the anti-Tesco campaigners from Titnore woods (See SchNEWS 672) made the mistake of assuming food tossed in a skip outside a Co-op supermarket was in some way unwanted and proceeded to liberate seven carriers bags of it to feed hungry masses at a Bristol Squat. He was swiftly nicked and held in (out of date) custody.

Instead of being grateful for sparing them the cost of sending it all to landfill, the ‘caring sharing’ Co-op are instead looking to prosecute. As if the Co-op think stopping skipping would force these scroungers to get jobs so they had the money to buy the same food before it was chucked.

Keywords: co-op, crap arrest of the week, supermarkets, tesco, titnore


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