Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 1st May 2009 | Issue 674

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Talking to the mainstream media is always something to be done at your own peril. Take the example of Nicola Fisher, recently at the centre of a media storm after appearing as the ‘star’ in a Youtube clip showing her getting battered by a baton wielding cop at the G20 protests.

Cue a descending horde of tabloid bloodsuckers looking to chew her up and spit her out. She makes the elementary mistake of thinking that ‘telling all’ to one paper exclusively would get her message out and make the rest of the circus go away. Of course all it did was leave the other papers to make it all up themselves which they duly did with abandon in order to attack her credibility. She was soon variously labelled as one of the dog-on-a-string brigade, a heroin addict, a benefit scrounge and retarded, to name but some, as well it being suggested that she’d sold her story for £50,000.

SchNEWS’s mailbag was bulging this week as we received a letter from Nicola herself desperate to deny all the slurs and explain how misrepresented she’d been, saying “I am amazed that our national ‘news’ papers are allowed to print such rubbish, when it is ridiculously, provably untrue.” Unfortunately its taken a rough ride for Nicola to wake up and smell the Murdoch (&Co) flavoured coffee!

Keywords: direct action, g20 summit, newspapers, nicola fisher


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