Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 1st May 2009 | Issue 674

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The obviously financially desperate Royal Bank of Scotland are seeking compensation of £40,000 for damage caused at the G20 protests (See SchNEWS 671). Their claim emerged at the trial of a seventeen-year-old girl who had pleaded guilty to damaging a computer keyboard and monitor.

The fact that RBS wanted £40,000 without any receipts (bit like MP’s expenses?!) - and from a penniless teenager - was leapt on by the defence lawyer saying: “In my view, this is wholly unjustified” - pointing out that the damage she caused in no way amounted to £40,000, more like 0.5% of that. She was given an eight month referral order. Maybe RBS should go to Fred the Shred (See SchNEWS 670) for compensation for ruining the bank and the economy...

Keywords: direct action, fred the shred, g20 summit, royal bank of scotland


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