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Home | Friday 21st August 2009 | Issue 688

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More developments in the continuing Vestas wrangle with the government and capitalist big business over the 600 job losses and impact on the environment caused by the closure of the factory on the Isle of Wight (see SchNEWS 687).

The rooftop protesters descended last Friday (14th) and attempted to take their case to local MP Andrew Turner, although mysteriously he was absent from his office which was closed for the whole day. Surely it’s not like a politician to shirk the opportunity to defend his stance on climate issues and workers’ rights..?

Although occupations have ceased, weekly rallies are still being held in various locations, and this week saw a march taking place on Sandown Pier, on the East of the island. Groups on the mainland have also been attending solidarity meeting to plan action, with a callout for all students and teaching professionals by Portsmouth RMT to conduct a ‘teach-in’ on Thursday 17th September.

Vestas announced profits of £90m for 2009, a downturn on the previous year which they attributed to (among other things) the pay-offs for the 1,567 employees that had their jobs taken this year worldwide. As one of the top 500 corporations in the world Vestas is expecting a quick recovery and has recently employed more than 5,000 workers in China, Spain and the US for their new projects, after deeming the planning laws in the UK unworkable in terms of providing opportunity for real market growth in Britain.

* Petition calling for nationalisation of the factory: ** More at:


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