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Home | Friday 4th September 2009 | Issue 689

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After the kicking they got in Birmingham on 8th August (See SchNEWS 687) the English Defence League are now firmly on the back foot. After boasting of their football hooligan connections they’re now calling off their series of planned demos and are crying out for police protection. A planned demo on 29th August at Harrow mosque was called off at short notice, perhaps through fear of re-run of events in Brum.

The next outing planned by the EDL is back in Brum on the 5th but this time there’s a crucial difference. The event has been totally co-ordinated with police and the “anti-Islamists” are asking all those who attend their demo to “respect the police on this. We are due to meet in Broad Street in Birmingham City Centre. The Police will direct us to various public houses in Broad Street where we will be asked to wait until further instruction.” Says it all really dunnit? Their permitted demo (starting at 12.30) will consist of a mile long march and a twenty-five minute long rally but West Midlands Police reserve the right to change the above without notice.

As if cowering behind police lines in Brum wasn’t enough, the luckless dimwits are also planning a 9/11 commemoration in Harrow on September 11th, and one on 10th October in Manchester City centre. There will be counter demonstrators.

Keywords: anti-fascists, birmingham, english defence league


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