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Home | Friday 4th September 2009 | Issue 689

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Welcome to the scary near future of war ladies and genocidal men. An Isreali firm is now offering for sale its “Jumper” robo missile pack – the latest in high convenience unmanned self-powered death machines, all provided in a handy carrying case. That’ll piss of the Americans, late to market with their own ‘Netfires’ version of the same thing.

The idea of such weapons is simple. A large, festival toilet style contains several vertically-launched missiles, along with its own communications and power. Light enough to be dropped off by jeep or dropped off from above, it then boots up its sat nav connection and awaits firing orders.

Whether or not this development will lead to a Terminator-style scenario with increasingly AI-endowed robot weapons eventually turning against their makers, in the nearer future it greatly opens up the chances of affordable missile deployment to a whole new range of groups, not to mention the use the established military powers can make of ‘em. More maiming and killing all round! And that as they say, is all good for business...

Keywords: arms industry, israel aerospace industries


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