Home | Friday 26th February 2010 | Issue 711

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The SDL (a north of the border offshoot of the EDL) were comfortably seen off the streets of Edinburgh on Saturday, despite the usual splits over tactics from different anti-fascist groups.

All in all, only around eighty of the far-right actually made it to Edinburgh - showing once again that this movement hasn’t really got any strength outside England. Previous efforts by both the Scottish and Welsh Defence Leagues (see SchNEWS 696, 697 & 700) have ended up in ignominious failure - with the leagues kettled into pubs besieged by anti-fascists.

In this case the Edinburgh anti-fascist alliance had a couple of months to prepare for the SDL’s arrival. Unfortunately once again organising was marred by SWP front group the UAF insisting on holding a simultaneous rally two miles away from the leaguers’ meeting point.

Despite this, as soon as the League were sighted in a pub near Holyrood parliament, large numbers marched to confront them. They were soon kettled inside the boozer and had to wait for police reinforcements. They were then unceremoniously bussed out of town.

Before the march, police arrested EDL leaders travelling to Edinburgh for incitement to cause a breach of the peace. According to an EDL statement, armed police raided the leaders’ homes and seized computer equipment. The leaders have now been banned from attending any meeting with more than three EDL members.

The EDL are now gearing up to welcome far-right Dutch islamaphobe Geert Wilder to Britain. They will be gathering outside the Houses of Parliament on March 5. Contrary to rumours, the planned march through Bradford in May is still scheduled according to the EDL website.


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