Home | Friday 26th February 2010 | Issue 711

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Politics and internal power dynamics were top of the agenda for the national gathering of the Camp for Climate Action last weekend (19th – 21st).

About 100 activists representing different regional groups arrived in Bristol to discuss how to harmonise the movement’s disparate political beliefs and work towards a clear objective. Everyone agreed on the principles of a non-hierarchical organisation and that market based solutions to climate change, like those put forward by world powers at Copenhagen, were not the answer. A commitment to fighting the economic system that puts corporate interests before those of the people was also agreed to be a key stance.

Once people had exorcised their political demons, talk turned towards the next steps for the collective, resulting in consensus that regional and local control of the movement should be at the heart of Climate Camp, with more autonomy and decision making at local level, including the planning of direct action. The general election was discussed as the next big thing for the camp to focus on – but rather than action organised centrally, it should be the local groups that find their own way to make their diverse opinions heard.

Those involved came away feeling it had been a positive and productive meet, with renewed enthusiasm for action at grass roots level - which a movement like this should really be about.

Local meetings are being held in March, to find your nearest group, see www.climatecamp.org.uk


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