Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 7th May 2010 | Issue 721

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Elsewhere this week, the ongoing campaign against the savage cuts set to hit Sussex University saw a strike on campus and march through the centre of Brighton.

The proposed £5million of cuts, which will see over 100 job losses, were approved by university management in March.

After a wave of student protests and campus occupations earlier this year (see SchNEWS 713), members of the University College Union (UCU) first staged a walkout days before the cuts were approved. This time they were joined on the picket lines by over 100 students and other university support staff.

At around 4pm the protesters joined staff and students from the University of Brighton and City College in a march through the centre of Brighton.

One campaigner told SchNEWS, “They were resolute, it seems there is more to come; this was just a shot across the bow.”

* See


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