Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 25th June 2010 | Issue 728

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Brighton County Court issued an eviction order against the Lewes Road Community Garden (see SchNEWS 727) this Monday (21st). A 40-strong solidarity demo was held outside court.

Gardeners Ron Edwards and Duncan Blinkhorn were told to vacate and hand over keys by 4.30pm next Monday (28th) or be held liable for costs, estimated at £6,800 and counting.

Following the verdict, a garden moot on Tuesday saw a highly reluctant vote to quit the land in order to support the named individuals.

But that’s not to say the garden will fall fallow. One laughing gnome told SchNEWS: “We’re not just going to roll over with this one. Tesco can fek off and so can the betting shop come to that. Who in their right mind wants another friggin supermarket or somewhere else people can go and get totally fucking alienated.” Look out for another garden in the area sometime soon.

In the meantime planters and bigger items are to be moved to Fairlight and St Martin’s schools, Saunders Park, the Patch and possibly other derelict sites in the area. “In this way the garden will live on in the physical world as well as in our hearts – a garden in exile,” said Duncan. Well not exactly Tibet but yeah we get where you’re coming from.

Brighton Council is coming in for more flak as it comes to light just how little consultation residents were offered. The original planning applications back in ‘08-’09 proposed a 3-storey building including four flats. Residents in the area are now demanding a meeting with the council.

* An Anti-Tesco demo will be held outside the garden on Monday 28th June between 5-7pm.
* See


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