Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 25th June 2010 | Issue 728

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The port of Oakland in the US has refused to allow an Israeli ship from being unloaded in protest against Israel’s blockade of Gaza and attack on the Freedom Flotilla. Over 800 activists intercepted the gates of the docks (6th largest port in the US), encouraging workers to refuse to cross the picket lines where they were scheduled to unload the Zim Lines ship - which they did.

Protesters stood by the four gates of the Stevedore Services of America from 5:30am to 9:30am chanting “Free, free Palestine, don’t cross the picket line” and “An injury to one is an injury to all, bring down the apartheid wall.” An emergency arbitration was held around 9am to decide whether it was unsafe for the workers to cross the picket line or not. The ruling proved to be in favour of the workers not crossing without disciplinary measures taken against them. This was greeted by boisterous cheers of “Long live Palestine!”. Jess Ghannam of the Free Palestine Alliance said “This is truly historic, never before has an Israeli ship been blocked in the United States!”

Oakland’s reaction is the beginning of several protests and strikes planned around the globe, including Norway, Sweden and South Africa



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