Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 23rd July 2010 | Issue 732

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Activists set up a tent in an aisle of Waitrose in Brighton in solidarity with farmers from Al Farisiya in the Jordan valley, who had their homes demolished the day before by the Israeli army.

As well as demolishing the homes of nearly 100 people, sheep shelters and 1000 sheep were confiscated. Two days later 23 homes in the village of Fasayil suffered the same fate.

During the evening rush-hour, activists filled baskets full of Israeli goods and informed shoppers that such demolitions pave the way for the further expansion of Israeli settlements that export their agricultural produce to supermarkets like Waitrose. A letter was handed to the manager calling on the supermarket to respect the rights of Palestinian farmers by not stocking Israeli produce.


** The ISM speaking tour is currently in the UK. See


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