Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 23rd July 2010 | Issue 732

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There’s been some progress in the case of Renata Zelazna, a Polish anarchist imprisoned in Holland. Once a long term Brighton resident, Renata was charged back in May with the attempted murder of a policeman (see SchNEWS 721) and has been in prison since. This week saw her trial and, despite the policeman claiming that he has nightmares about Renata’s “piercing eyes”, the prosecution have asked for a maximum sentence of only two years – for a crime that normally carries a minimum six year sentence.

One supporter told SchNEWS,“We’re hoping that this is indicative of how weak the prosecution case is”. In the Dutch system, weirdly, sentencing is discussed before the verdict. A verdict is expected on August 3rd.

In a letter from prison Renata said, “I’m a vegan, I don’t kill, this is one of the most important things to me – to respect the lives of others, to do no harm.”

* Letters to Free Renata Zelazna, PO Box 74, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 4ZQ


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