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Home | Friday 3rd September 2010 | Issue 737

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Despite the escalating violence and continuing political instability (see SchNEWS 736), the Home Office are continuing to deport refugees to Iraq on special charter flights. One such flight was scheduled to leave on Wednesday (1st) and another due to leave next Monday (6th).

Desperate detainees have contacted detainee support groups and the National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns having been given their removal orders, asking for help in fighting their deportations.

Previous attempts to send charter flights to Iraq have ended in abject failure. In October last year, the first charter flight was sent back by the Iraqi authorities with 32 of the 40 deportees still aboard. In April, the UK Border Agency (UKBA) tried to send of a flight of Kurdish deportees to the semi-autonomous Northern area of Iraq but a major protest at the destination airport led to its cancellation. However, this time the UKBA has agreed with the Iraqi authorities to accept the deportees.

Many of the victims have already seen their family and friends kidnapped, tortured and killed, while a number have been told they will be killed if they return to Iraq.

* See


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