Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 24th September 2010 | Issue 740

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On October 20th, David Cameron’s old school chum George ‘Tossy’ Osbourne is due to finally announce details of the full horror of the government’s plans to rescue the economy - so nearly ruined by the actions of the bankers and corporations - by getting the poorest to pay for it all. Up to 30% slashings are expected across public services and benefits. If only there were a convenient focus for all that rising anger and need to protest.

Oh yes, the Tory party conference is taking place in Birmingham starting on Sunday Oct 3rd. How handy.

In addition to the usual union and trot run events, an anti-authoritarian bloc is organising under the old-school (if slightly unimaginative) banner of ‘Toffs Out’. With the event sponsored and basically paid for by non-exclusively Toff corporations such as RBS, British Aerospace, Group 4, ASDA and Tesco, perhaps it’s more a case of ‘All Out’.

The meeting point for the unathourised march will be announced on Saturday night and it will converge on the ICC building for a high-noon showdown on Sunday. Check the website for a list of other targets – or fringe events as the Tories call them.

Demo organisers have said they will do everything in their power to stop people attending the event, including direct action and civil disobedience. A Reclaim the Streets party is planned and squats will be available for those wanting to go on through the night.



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