Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 24th September 2010 | Issue 740

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Cops in Barranquilla, Colombia found themselves scratching around after an attempted drugs gang bust went to seed last week.

As they crept into position ready to pounce, a sharp-eyed parrot that the gang had trained spotted them and immediately started to squawk ‘Run, RUN!’ repeatedly (in Spanish, of course).
Whilst police flapped around trying to seize the alarming parrot, the warning gave time for the gang to shake a tail-feather and take to the wing. They all managed to escape the claws of the law and flew the nest.

The Bill have subsequently named the parrot Lorenzo, and hoped he’d want a friendly shoulder to cry on, but he is apparently playing it cagey and hasn’t spoken a word since his ‘arrest’.

‘Lorenzo’ remains the only one of the gang currently doing bird. And none of them seem likely to be going up in front of the beak.

(OK, but enough of the bird-related puns, please. Yeah, sorry, you’re right, I must have been avian a laugh...)


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