Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 25th March 2011 | Issue 764

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The EDL (see SchNEWS 758) shambled into Reading last Saturday (19th) to preach their message of hate. Around 200 lager swilling morons marched the short distance from the train station to the old town hall (now an art gallery). They were greeted by an admittedly poor turn out of counter demonstrators.

The EDL had been planning a mass demo in Birmingham on the same day but cancelled. This last minute filler demo unfortunately attracted a few more stragglers than Reading anti-fascists had anticipated. However there were no punches thrown and no arrests.

Prominent in Reading town centre was Bill Baker - March for England and English Nationalist Alliance organiser. He’s going to lead his rag-tag mob of “Not the EDL, honest guv” through Brighton on St Georges Day (well - the day after) 24th April. Brighton anti-fascists have promised a warm reception.

Meanwhile the EDLs next official outing is in Blackburn 2nd April.


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