Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 25th March 2011 | Issue 764

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Glasgow students responded to the eviction of the occupied Hetherington Building in the best possible way on Tuesday (22nd) - with an immediate reoccupation.

Around 80 cops, more than a dozen vehicles, canine units and a police helicopter descended on Glasgow Uni in support of the university’s attempts to end the 49-day occupation. Several students were injured in the heavy-handed eviction, including one female student who was left concussed when a security guard allegedly banged her head against a wall and the floor. According to the Glasgow Defence Campaign six protesters were arrested and then released at the time and one was arrested at his home the following day.

While only around 20 students were inside the building, a crowd of several hundred quickly assembled outside to show their support. Following the eviction the crowd marched to the main university building and occupied the Senate.

A two-hour long meeting between management and the crowd of occupiers yielded nothing. However, the management soon came back with an offer – if the students left the Senate, they could could re-take the Hetherington. After being evicted mid-morning, the students were back in the building by midnight.

The students have used the building for workshops and social activities as the Free Space since it was taken over in February in protest against the university’s plans to make £20 million worth of cuts.

* On Thursday (24th) academics and university staff from Aberdeen to York went on strike in action against attacks on pay, conditions and pensions. Students occupied buildings at SOAS and UCL in solidarity with the strikers and against cuts and fees.


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