Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 1st April 2011 | Issue 765

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Deep in the heart of the Dorset countryside this July- it’s a festival with a twist. No need to worry about licensing requirements or expensive security this time round, it’s Bluelight- the police only festival.

Despite being set up by the Police Federation as a relaxing three days for serving police officers, as well as the predictable dog team displays and formation motorcycling there will be a 24-hr dubstep stage (just how are they gonna stay awake? - better start stocking up on those legal highs officer).

Headlining on Saturday night - the Levellers!. And you thought they couldn’t sink any lower.

Commenting on the event Police Federation spokesman Andy Parma told SchNEWS “It’s a meet and greet - a chance for officers from around the country to hang and just chill”.

If you fancy yer chances of jumping the fence


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