Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 26th August 2011 | Issue 785

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It’s not often SchNEWS applauds the boys in blue for pepper spraying drunkards, but there are always exceptions. Tory councillor Andew Draper, of Waveney Council, Suffolk, thought that there couldn’t be any harm in driving home after getting bladdered. Unfortunately for the red-faced Tory scum pisshead, he managed to crash his car into a kerb, bringing the attention of the old bill his way.

Not too shy to try and pull rank, he demanded “Do you know I’m a councillor?” before kicking the copper in the knee and chest. Needless to say, Councillor Draper came off worse from this scuffle- after being pepper sprayed in the face he was arrested and charged with assault police. Later convicted, he received an £800 fine and a 2 year ban; a sentence a wee bit more lenient than the normal treatment meted out to copper-kickers.

Funnily enough, drunken-Draper had been pushing for the authorities to get tough on the “culture of binge drinking” and alcohol related crime.


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