Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 7th October 2011 | Issue 791

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Long running Bristol squat and social centre, the Factory  is facing eviction. Situated on the corner of Cave Street and Portland Square, the venue has been occupied for a year and a half and according to the collective is ‘a space for free activities, creativity and political discussion.’

Now the PG Group – a development company with strong links to the Catholic church are seeking an eviction. They plan to turn it into luxury flats, offices, a cafe, an art gallery and a small health centre.

The collective made this statement “We are squatting this building. We do not legally own it.

However, we believe that buildings should belong to the people who use them and open them up for others to use together, not to those who only want to make money off them. Laws exist to protect the interests of the rich and keep the rest of us shut out. That is why, if we have to, we will defy them. We know that this means that we are likely to face violent eviction but we believe that resistance is essential. We have to take a stand.”

* For more


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