In case you hadn't noticed, residential squatting is now a criminal offence. But wait, before you dash in to hang up yer crowbar – there is hope yet.
The law has more holes than your average American ambassador and it'll be a good year before we know exactly how it's going to be interpreted and enforced. And helping in the fight against Section 144 of the Legal Aid Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act (LASPO) is the recently formed Squatters' Legal Network.
Currently in the process of collating the effects of the law so far, the Network is aiming to provide legal advice and support prior to, during and after any evictions or attempted evictions. To that end they have an emergency phone number, an email address, a website, a Twitter presence and a band of eager activists – they're also keen for more bods to get involved.
For more info see: or call 07925 769858
Mike Weatherley, the M.P behind the squatting ban, due to deliver a talk on the new squatting legislation, at the University of Sussex today, was instead chased off campus by students and protesters.
Land occupiers fight back as cops try to evict for airport development in France
Out of the squats and into the er... prisons. As, Alex Haigh, the first squatter to be sent down under S.144 recieves three months.
North London library, closed by cuts, opened by squatters.
Predictably enough it was Brighton squatters who found themselves first in the firing line of Hove MP Mike Weatherley's new anti-squatting law.
Squatters prepare to resist new anti-squatting law as it comes into force on September 1st. Meanwhile renters show they can be radical too...
Shamed Tory Nemeth's nemesis, aka the glitter throwing thug, in his own words
(Actually this was originally posted as a comment on the article "Tory Story" but we felt it was just too good not to share more widely)
Activists began a project of land reclamation in Runnymeade