| 14th July
1995 | Issue
Justice? Brighton's Campaign in Defiance of the Criminal
Injustice Act
Over the last few days,
thousands of bleary-eyed party heads have been heading back to their
homes from "the Mother," the huge free festival which, sort of,
occurred over the weekend. It had been planned out over the last
few months, with the locations kept secret until the last minute.
Here at SchNEWS we have been trying to piece together exactly what
happened but the various people who headed off to it with only vague
directions and a few phone numbers.
Originally there were
two sites for the party. One was at Smeathorpe in Devon, the other
at Corby in Northants. But the police mounted a massive operation
to put a stop to them. Surveillance of the organisers, phone tapping,
road blocks and monitoring information on the Internet were all
used to try to stop the parties. The police evicted party-goers
from the main sites and chasing them around as they tried to set
up elsewhere.
Sabs 151
Road Protestors 55
Footie Fans 45
No Live Exports* 38
Environmentalists 28
Travellers# 11
Tree Defenders 11
Illegal Gatherers 3
Druids 1
Peace Campaigners 1*
1000+ animal rights activists nicked this year
# not including grief and harassment
The Corby site was cracked
on Thursday evening but by Friday morning the police turned up and
gave everybody two hours to leave. Organisers tried to reason with
the police to no avail with the result that the leaving time was
shortened to three minutes (!) else vehicles would be impounded.
Everyone moved off, arriving at a reservoir called Grafham Waters.
The police, stretched by riots in nearby Luton, left owners Anglia
Water to make a decision - and they were unable to get an injunction
until wednesday. So from Saturday night onwards there was non-stop
music with over a thousand people going for it "It was great," said
one reveller. And was still going as we went to press.
A few hundred people
also found their way from the Corby site to Sleaford in Lincolnshire
on Friday night. Again, a sound system went up and a good time was
Meanwhile, similar mischief
was going on in Smeathorpe in Devon. When the Cooltan bus arrived
at about 9.30pm on Friday, they found the whole site blocked off.
The police were threatening everybody with section 60 of the CJA.
Convoys of party-goers ended up on various sites across the area,
including biggies at Hinckley Point, (150 vehicles, 2 marquees),
and Stead beach near a nuclear power station, (which isn't to be
found on any OS maps). There were two systems at the beach and a
hundred vehicles, but by Sunday there was not one single complaint
- except for exasperated motorists who were pulled into lay-bys
on suspicion of being ravers. "Police have no right to discriminate
between people going on a camping holiday and ravers -yet this is
what they were doing" said one driver.
After the parties, Andy
and Michelle from the Advance Party came back to their London home
and found the police searching it, answering the phone and impersonating
Andy "with a sore throat" to try and get information off the callers.
Personal letters and flyers were removed and the pair of them were
arrested along with their dog Bokkie. They are charged with 'conspiracy
to cause public nuisance', a common law charge which can carry a
maximum life sentence. "I feel very angry!" said Michelle. "It must
have cost a fortune just to try and stop people dancing and having
a good time". The members of Spiral Tribe were acquitted when charged
with the same offence after Castlemorton in a case which cost £4M
to bring to court.
Debbie Staunton from
United Systems also has her house turned over and was taken in for
questioning. Ten officers arrived from both the Metropolitan and
Hampshire police forces arrived and kicked the door down on the
Friday morning. She's been bound over to appear in Corby on Aug
7th despite not being charged. Well if that's not overdoing it..
At the Sleaford rave,
the Blackmoon sound system was impounded and its three owners arrested
and charged under section 63 of the CJA. One of the owners' house
was turned over while he was away, and he was told that his system,
worth £9000, may not be returned, even after the trial date.
DIY had their sound system
confiscated at Smeathorpe in the early hours of Saturday morning.
Police said they would impound the PA for a couple of days and that
DIY could get it back. "The good news is that they pressed no charges
and we got our PA back. The bad news is that the police are inventing
their own rules," a DIY spokesman said.
crap arrest
of the week
fucking around with a woofer?
BOKKIE the dog was nicked along with master Andy, from United
In the end it didn't
turn out to be the mega fettle that everybody hoped it would be.
But it didn't stop people from having a good time and learning a
few things while they were at it. Andy from Freedom Network said:
"The feedback from the weekend was brilliant, it's got a lot of
people who had lost interest in free festivals fired up again!"
- So when's the next one kicking off then???
"While Hestletine
says there is no demand for coal the following week the application
was granted for Selar. Meanwhile they closed the last deep cast
mine in South Wales which has since re-opened as a workers coop
and is turning over a healthy profit"
The tranquillity of the
beautiful countryside at Neath Valley, nr Cwmgwrach, was shattered
last Monday when work began, ripping up 880 acres of lush watermeadow,
home of protected tare butterfly, ancient oak woodland and a designated
SSSI. The entire landscape of the area is to be relocated 'chunk
by chunk' to another site while a massive hole over 70m deep is
torn into the landscape and mined for a minimum of 8 years. The
local village will find itself completely surrounded by the open
cast monster. The company responsible - Celtic Energy (British Coal
without the workers) - stand to make a profit of around 45m while
providing nothing for the local community except a handful of unskilled
jobs and a ravaged, polluted landscape. This in an area torn apart
by the government's devastation of the deep cast mining industry.
Opposition to the work
has been fierce with a potent fusion of massive local support (veterans
of the miner's strike) anti-road protesters from all over the country
cooking up some Celtic Energy of their own. Despite police roadblocks,
over 50 people fought to put a human barrier between the diggers
and the watermeadows. Work was delayed for several hours with 19
people arrested - two for aggravated trespass under the Criminal
Justice Act. The cash-strapped local police force once again find
themselves acting as private security force to escort every work
vehicle coming in and out of the site and using tactics one local
said: "you'd never see on a rugby field!". On Tuesday their numbers
had increased to nine police vanloads but they found that the pixies
had been hard at work. A massive road-block, a slightly mashed-up
bridge and a bender complete with section 6 sitting on what remained
of the watermeadow. Four more people were arrested (and bailed off
site) as the workers found an alternative route over an Oak tree
and across a field they are contracted to protect. Later in the
day, Keltic Energy found themselves at the receiving end when dozens
of people invaded their offices and disrupted work. Slimy officials
hid away until the occupiers had left then slid out to talk to the
media about protesters being "outside the law". Tactics changed
on Wednesday with several benders going up with section 6s while
police ignored lawful eviction procedures and arrested 20 more people
- charges not yet known. This beautiful area is disappearing now
- help is needed to defend and expand the 17-acre squatted camp.
Build yer own treehouse, swim in clear lakes and waterfalls while
you still can. And don't forget the midgy cream! Cardiff EF! 01222
383 363
* VICTORY! The proposed super-quarry on the Scottish Isle
of Harris has been put on hold after 80% of the islanders voiced
their opposition to the scheme forcing the council to pull their
support. It has been referred back to the Scottish Office. The tip
of the mountain was given to visiting American Indian Shaman Stone
Eagle in a ceremony last year for safekeeping ....
Travellers on Cool Mountain,
West Cork, Ireland, are the guinea pigs in a trial Identity Card
scheme for benefit claimants. The travelling community, who have
been on the mountain for 28 years, have been told that they could
soon be used to collect their benefits from cash machines. The high
cost hi-tech plastic card looks like a credit card with a hologram
and magnetic strip. Magnetic strips can contain up to 32 kilobytes
of information about you - that's about the length of this week's
SchNEWS. Last month Michael Howard's plans for a national compulsory
ID card for all sparked a civil rights furore. When the Australian
government proposed a national Australia Card, 80% of the people
had no problem with it. Within a year, however, when people realised
what it was really going to be used for 90% voted against. The scheme
was dropped.
* Mondex electronic cash cards - designed to replace
paper money - began 12 month trial in Swindon last week.
An ID card campaign pack
can be obtained by sending a £1 coin to: Campaigns office, Liberty,
21 Tabard St, London SE1 4LA
been released after six months in Pentonville for breaking an injunction
against British Aerospace.JIM CHAMBERS is still these, after 156
days, for alleged damage to a road construction site. Write to him
at PV2504, HMP Pentonville, Caledonian Rd, London N7 8TT PHIL, awaiting
sentence for anti-BNP march at Welling is at EJ3496, HB2, HMP Elmley,
Kent ME12 4AY
on death row for 13 years, a former Blade Panther is charged (framed)
for the murder of a policeman. HIS EXECUTION IS SET FOR 10pm THURSDAY
AUGUST 17th 1995. Send letters of support to AM8335, SCI Green,
1040 E. Roy Furman-Hwy, Waynesburg, Pennsylvania, PA 15370 USA British
contact: 0181 519 9228.
Last Monday police carried
out dawn raids on the offices of Campaign Against Live Freight (CALF)
and the homes of associates, carrying warrants for "drug distribution,
fraud, assault and damage". Walls were drilled, floorboards
ripped up, computers taken, address books and personal stuff - EVERYTHING
TAKEN. The wife of a CALF associate was held and questioned all
day at Worthing Police - she received no food until the last hour
when she was given a sausage sandwich. Police claimed the raids
were concerned with petrol bomb incidents in the Shoreham area.
What petrel bombs? And how does that tally with the warrants issued?
CALF will sue the police for exemplary damages and malicious seizure
of goods. "It was a fishing expedition," said CALF member John White,
"They did a blanket grab - even files on our Funday which was supposed
to heal the wounds between police and residents after Shoreham."
BBS - 0171 434 3800
Web - http://www.mistral.co.uk/cbuzz
e-mail: Justice@intermedia.co.uk
A huge communal 'Twig-loo'
is the latest defence for tree sitters in the village in the sky
in Fairmile, Exeter. A huge net inside a rigid frame with a bender
on top is the latest development from the cargo-nets and tree-houses
of Claremont Rd and Stanworth Valley.
The Quercus Tribe - named
after the Latin for 'Oak' - are living in the trees on three sites
to stop the construction of the A30 Euro-route between Honiton and
Exeter. It is the first of four roads to be constructed under the
DBFO system - dubbed Destroy, Burn, Fell, Obliterate. This means
private contractors Design, Build, Finance and Operate the roads
for up to 25 years. At the end of this period the government pays
the contractors according to the volume of the traffic on the road,
thereby creating an initiative to encourage traffic. The tribe are
protecting a 400-yr-old oak tree, two copses containing indigenous
species of trees, one of the largest badger setts in the country,
and threatened wildlife including owls, buzzards, an endangered
species of bat, deer, foxes and the great crested newt. Visit! Professional
climbing tuition available. Bring skills, equipment, tools, music,
imagination, crafts, mead, weed and cake! Tel: 0385 278 156/7. Note
new address: PO Box 6, Ottery St Mary, Devon, EX11 1YL.
* Over 1,000 people
have pledged to D-lock themselves to machinery when the Third Battle
of Newbury commences. In his last act as Minister for Transport
- architect of the Great Transport Debate (sic) - reversed a previous
decision and OK'd the Newbury bypass. Work will start -and will
be stopped - in December.
PARTY II - RAVE AGAINST THE MACHINE. Reclaim the streets giant street
party @ 1pm Battlebridge Rd (behind Kings Cross Stn) 0171 254 2290
MASS All over the country Tel: RTS
'50' IN COURT Demo @ Royal Courts of Justice on the Strand before
the judge makes the final decision over DoT damages claim against
50 protesters. Road Alert! 01635 521 770
"I'm going to do to Greenpeace what I did to the miners"
- Michael Heseltine
Party and Protest
13-16 JULY Phoenix
Festival (0181) 9360940
Larmer Tree Festival, Nr Salisbury, Wilt. Ring Justice? office.
*** Redcap Folk Festival (01947) 9804928
National Rally against habitat destruction (0171) 490 1555
Free Bristol Community Festival, Aston Court Estate
16 JULY Tolpuddle Martyrs Rally: Dorset 01202 294333
Mass Vegetarian Rally Hyde Park, London 0181 681 8884
*** Redbridge
Omen Fair, Melbourne Field, Valentine Park, Ilford 0181 554 2553
*** CND Anniversary of the first nuclear test. On 16 July 1945,
at 1.29pm BST, the world's first atomic explosion, took place in
America's New Mexico Desert. Time for a nuclear free world. Trafalgar
Square, London, WC 1, 1 to 4 PM
*** Free Festival Andersen's Meadow,
Norwich, 12-6pm, 01603 611195
*** National Busking day 01132446570
18-21 Bristol Wind energy Association Conference, Warwick Conference
Park, 0171 404 3433
20-23 JULY
Heineken Festival, 0891 222 459.
As SchNEWS went to
press protesters had barricaded themselves into North Shields Conservative
Council Offices. Over their office phone, with the sounds of
a chaotic party in the background, North East Freedom Network told
SchNEWS the reason for the occupation: "They won't deal with housing
complaints - they support the Criminal Justice Act and they're Tories!"
All the protesters have been told they will be arrested - when the
police can get in!
*** Brighton's West
Pier drummers have been allowed to continue their Sunday carnivals.
Police agreed when over 600 revellers, who turned up to the party
last week, said they would stop at sunset - when the last of the
wild swirling starlings settle on the dilapidated Pier
*** Al Baker, the
Greenpeace activist interviewed in SchNEWS 28/29 is offering
climbing tuition - that's if he isn't flying halfway across the
world today. Contact SchNEWS for mere details
Criminal Justice Act sections 74-76 which place criminal sanctions
on squatters and allows property owners to gain 'violent entry'
against occupants. The Lord Chancellor's office seem to behaving
a hard time drafting the new county court rules. Carry on squatting!
*** If anyone wants
to learn the art of erecting scaffolding tripods in under two
minutes (as Shell-Out did in closing Norwich's Shell fuel depot
for six hours) write to PO Box Shell-Out, 217 Cowley Rd, Oxford,
and Finally
6p from
each £1 ticket for 'Good Causes' like...
£12 million for
Winston Churchill for fathers memoirs
£22 million
to Blackburn factory worker
£21 million lost by charities since Mockery began
14 million-to-one
chance of winning jackpot
65 percent
of people conned regularly
£16 billion handed over by the public
To subscribe
to SchNEWS send 1st class stamps/donations (payable to Justice?)
SchNEWS c/o on-the fiddle PO Box 2600 Brighton East Sussex. Tel:
(01273) 685 913. Or pick one up @ Peace Centre, Gardener St, Brighton
and around town
Justice? meet
at the new kensington, kensington gardens, every Wed @ 7pm
Strictly @nticopyright
- customise.. photocopy.. distribute.
In rememberance
of Fernando Perrera