| 26th January
1996 | Issue
"With hundreds
of security and police this as the Largest mobilisation of state
forces yet against the anti-roads movement. If you can only get
to Newbury once - do it. It's not only your chance to stop this
insane road being built but also to show your defiance of the Criminal
Justice Act."
Week three of
the Third Battle of Newbury and the imaginative tactics used
by the protesters are really worrying the road builders, the government
and the police - because they are effectively getting more and more
people off their arses and into direct action.
Protesters are continually
rethinking their tactics in the face of more and more desperate
attempts to ensure the site is cleared before the nesting season
in March. Around one sixth of the route has now been cleared and
the security cordons protecting the chainsaw gangs are now larger
than football pitches. The police are not even giving warnings before
nicking people for Aggravated Trespass (you can be nicked for this
if a copper just thinks that you are going to disrupt a 'lawful
activity' on private land). They then dish out bail conditions which
amount to a sentence without trial and virtual house arrest. Protesters
guilty of no offence are being told not to go anywhere near the
protests and some are having to sign on at police stations in their
home towns everyday to stop them demonstrating.
One solicitor told SchNEWS,
"Bail conditions are not meant to be punishments in themselves.
In this case they are clearly being used as a political means to
suppress campaigns." Bindmans solicitors are currently preparing
cases to take to the High Court to get these conditions overturned.
As one protester told SchNEWS. "The police are using these
bail conditions to try and break the protest. We've got to make
them unworkable by breaking them".
There are now 20
camps along the eight and half mile route and more people are needed
now to help build defences. One way protesters are making sure the
road won't be built is by fortifying and defending these camps.
Four of them are in the High Court today (Friday) faced with eviction
Every morning a convoy
of roadbuilders and security flanked by masses of police around
three quarters of a mile long converges to the south of Newbury
- protesters have successfully slowed up proceedings by driving
10 miles an hour in front of them! The media's big story this week
was about the guy who was meant to have cut one of the security
vans' brake cables - failing to mention after successfully blockading
their coach he was dragged off by security and held onto some wires
which snapped. The police later arrested the wrong man for this
Protestors have occupied
land, blockaded contractors and security transport. D-locked themselves
to anything going and generally put every obstacle in the way of
the clearance work. Against this, the police are doing what they've
always done - using the law, including their new powers under the
CJA, to stop any effective protest. So it's pretty worrying when
Friends of the Earth -on behalf of the Newbury protesters - put
out press releases condemning "deliberate damage" by protesters
and calling for protesters to have a "positive relationship"
with the police who are arresting them!
When SchNEWS phoned Friends
of the Earth to clarify their views they told us that "We don't
condemn the police - it's unfortunate that they have to take these
draconian actions but they do have a job to do" Friends of
the Earth are doing loads of useful work to support the campaign
but we should recognise that the police's job is to do what the
government tells them, in this case ensure the Newbury bypass is
built - and that it's kind of difficult to have a "positive
relationship" with people who are arresting you for just about
"Only Illegal,
in-your-face direct action will stop this road - and everybody knows
It. With spiraling costs some of the construction firms are getting
cold feet and the police are saying publicly they cannot afford
to continue to police the protest. In other words this battle can
be won - If people get down to Newbury and stop this road! As one
activist told SchNEWS, "We need people who are prepared to
get up very early and take the battle to the contractors before
they get near the site. We need people who are organised and are
willing to get arrested to stop this madness. We need hundreds of
them and we need them now."
MON to FRI Call Reclaim The Streets on 0l7l 281 4621/0171 249 9144
to book. £4 each way.BRIGHTON TO NEWBURY Justice? 01273 685913 and
leave name and number
If you refuse bail conditions
you could also find yourself in jail (one person is already inside
on remand for a week for refusing bail) If you are nicked remember
don't give em your date of birth and care-of address (could come
in handy if the benefits crack down on protestors begins) but make
sure people in the house know you are doing this in case the police
check -and make sure its your home town or you could end up signing
on daily in the Shetland Isles! Remember - Fight all cases, plead
not guilty and clog up the courts.
Crap arrests of the
* Pantomime Cow arrested
for aggravated trespass! The said cow was alleged to have broken
"through security cordon towards contractors" with the
Intention of disrupting work at Newbury. Now if a pantomime cow
can get through security....
* Four people nicked
at January's Critical Mass in Brighton are still bikeless - the
police are keeping them as evidence! They've also been given bail
conditions not to attend any illegal demonstrations anywhere in
the country! Give 'em support at Brighton magistrates court on Valentines
Day 9.45 am
* For picking up a copper's
hat! Meddi from Leeds handed back the said policeman's hat which
had fallen on the floor at Newbury, and was duly arrested and charged
with theft of Queens Property!
* Oh, and the 300 plus
nicked at Newbury so far as well!
The witchhunt against
the Exodus collective continues. With Biggs still on a trumped
up murder charge and High Court Injunctions are being dished out
like confetti the party people from Luton are under serious attack.
Last Tuesday another
victory has been won against the powers that be. Glenn Jenkins,
spokesperson for the Exodus Collective was cleared of breaching
an injunction forbidding him from "holding, causing to hold, or
permitting the holding of any organised entertainment to which the
public have access". The courts were unable to prove that he had
any part in organising the rave. However victory was short-lived
when Glenn. and three named others, have had another injunction
taken out against them by Luton Borough Council. The notice has
only been served against Glenn. who is due in court today. They
have banned him from attending any unlicensed parties in Luton,
South and Mid Beds, and are now trying to scapegoat him by making
him responsible for the operations of the rest of the crew. If any
other members of the Collective choose to hold another party, Glenn
could be imprisoned. The injunction also stops him speaking in an
official capacity regarding unlicensed parties. These measures arc
an infringement of his civil liberties, his freedom of movement,
speech and right to free association. The injunction is in excess
of the Council' s power as they are criminalising activities that
even Parliament has not (yet) criminalised. And all this despite
the fact that they have been trying, since 1992, to seek a resolution
to this problem by finding a venue for a community centre and putting
on do's each month to finance it. Unlike commercial promoters, money
raised from the parties is channelled back into the community- rehousing
forty people at HAZ Manor, a former old people's home, building
up the stack and helping people create something out of nothing.
Glenn's liberty is
seriously at stake here. He is being held responsible for the activities
of the rest of the Collective. Exodus is a non-hierarchical organisation
- something the authorities can't get their heads around. The parties
are a collective effort between everyone involved. Exodus- Movement
of Jah People. Full power to ya!
* Black Moon sound system
have a new court date. They are being charged for pre-paring to
play at the Mother festy- the one that wasn't! They are now in Corby
magistrates at 10am on Tuesday 27th February. Turn up and give them
some support!
* During the GLC's fairs
fare policy us the early eighties there was an immediate 13% decrease
in cars going into London.
* In Manchester the new
tram system (with a service every six minutes) has proved to be
a winner. A survey has shown a 10 per cent reduction in traffic
at peak times along its route.
* Karosruhe, Germany.
A new tram system has led to a 40% switch from cars to trains!
* Even in Los Angeles
where sixteen lane motorways still didn't stop the traffic jams
- trams and railways are now making a comeback as planners realise
more roads more cars.
From 1st March, CS Gas
will be tested by sixteen police forces in the UK. This gas is a
highly toxic chemical warfare gas that can cause spasms, severe
injuries and death. Symptoms caused by the gas include severe stinging
to the eyes, nose and throat, skin blistering, severe coughing and
chest tightening that leads to impaired breathing. The effects last
up to an hour.
The six month trials
should have started last September, but were postponed when a police
training officer suffered burns and eye injuries. Critics - including
the injured officer (changed your tune, eh mate?). Amnesty International
and Liberty - are especially concerned about the effects of the
gas on pregnant women, bronchial sufferers and asthmatics - one
in seven children in Britain now have asthma. The gas has been condemned
as 'indiscriminate" by an expert on the effects of chemical weapons
and Amnesty International has said that it is particularly worried
about its use in heavily populated areas.
The introduction
of CS Gas, hard on the heels of last year's introduction of the
side handled baton, marks a further stage in the militarisation
of the police. The police say they need the gas to protect themselves
against the increase in violent attacks on them - but already the
Chief Constable of Gwent police, has refused to rule out using CS
Gas against anti-roads protesters. Supposedly, the spray will only
he used when the police "'believe themselves to be in danger of
assault" - but many fear the police may use it to quell demonstrations,
protests and stop free parties and festivals. Given the police's
indiscriminate use of their powers of arrest in such situations
- a cursory glance through 'crap arrests of the week' will give
you the idea - it will only be a matter of time before they start
using this vicious weapon against party goers and protesters they
take a dislike to.
What next, we hear
you cry? Why not the incapacitative foam used by UN forces in Somalia
last year. The foam contains bubbles of CS gas and can be laid as
a barrier to block a road or contain a hostile crowd. Perfect for
those dirty, uncouth, scroungy Newbury types - you know, the security
and the coppers!
SchNEWS in Brief
A police helicopter,
two landrovers, a riot van, two cop cars and a man on a bike stopped
some hunt sabs last week on suspicion of burglary - of six stolen
eggs! Apparently
the local shop was closed and the hungry coppers fancied some pancakes!
*** Plea to anybody who
knows the whereabouts of a stolen corner light van 2 ton with tow
bar hand painted yellow with pale blue hammerite stripe along sides
and billabong sticker on the left hand rear door. Reg MJD 830X -
Engine No:32206278, Chassis/Frame No PBCM159OH161933. It's badly
needed for upcoming pixie activities so please ring the Justice?
office and speak to Paul or Lou no questions asked, you might even
get a reward...
*** Sgt O'Donnell is
stepping up his anti- beggars campaign in Brighton. The undercover
squad that patrols the streets, handpicked to combat "aggressive
begging" cautioned and threatened another beggar with arrest when
they mumbled the threatening words "can you spare a few pence, please'?'
Out came the walkie talkies, (crackle, crackle) and the girl had
to move on for fear of instant arrest. Can you spare some humanity
please Sgt O'Donnell? Probably not.
*** The next Brighton
Legal Defence and Monitoring Group meeting will be next Thursday
1st February at Brighton Unemployed Centre.
R.T.S action in Brighton
on Valentine's day. Snogs and pink fluffy shit galore. Come and
dance your little pink fluffy socks off. Meet 12.30 Churchill Square
Brighton. Phone Justice? (01273 685913) for details.
The Selar Farm open-cast
mine protesters at Neath Valley near Cwmgwrach, South Wales, are
expecting to be evicted on Monday 29 January. Bailiffs have been
seen buying equipment in the area, and it seems one of them let
it slip to a local shopkeeper (ooh er, missus!). Get down to the
site and support them if you can. Call Norma on 01639 720884 for
directions, or Cardiff Action Update on 01222 383363.
and Finally
Justice? are desperate
for a vehicle - if anyone knows of a decent minibus that isn't going
to fall apart in minutes please ring the office - in the meantime
leave your name and number and we'll get back to you as soon as
we're sorted....
warns all readers not to attend any illegal gatherings or take part
in any criminal activities. Always stay within the law. In fact
please just sit in, watch TV and go on endless Xmas shopping sprees
filling your home and lives with endless consumer crap. you will
then feel content. Honest.
Subscribe! Keep
SchNEWS free! Just send 1st class stamps leg 20 for 20 issues) or
donations (payable to Justice?). Mark 'Original' if you plan to
copy: SchNEWS c/o on-the-fiddle PO Box 2600 Brighton East Sussex
BN2 2DX. Tel: (01273) 685913.
Next Justice? Meeting
February 7th January, 7:30pm Unemployed Centre, off Carlton Hill
behind Amex
SchNEWS is Free to Prisoners
- just send us your address
@nti-copyright information
for action - photocopy! distribute! contribute!
