| 1st March
1996 | Issue
as Selar set to be swallowed
The tree village at
Selar nature reserve in South Wales was evicted this week after
a three day battle involving around 200 police, security, bailiffs
and professional climbers. The site was set up in May 1995 when
protesters built a tree village on this Special Site of Scientific
Interest near the village of Cwmgwrach, in the valleys of South
Wales to prevent Celtic Energy trashing the site to make way for
an open cast mining site.
Open cast mining is more
profitable than the deep pit mining traditionally used but far more
environmentally damaging as the whole landscape is gouged away until
the coal is reached. This is particularly galling for the local
community, as it is still suffering from the year long miners strike
of 1984-5. Thousands of miners and their families in South Wales
- the vast majority of whom have been supporting the current protest
- were brutally oppressed by the police and state, simply for trying
to protect their livelihoods and striking against pit closures.
The National Coal Board
and Conservative government said at the time that there was no demand
for coal, and that deep mine pits were uneconomical. So why this
need to open cast if there is no demand? And if deep mining pits
are so uneconomical why did Tower Colliery now a workers co-op and
the only deep mine pit left in South Wales make a £3m profit last
year? The minimal landscaping that is done afterwards fails to cover
up the enormous damage done and whole areas are changed forever.
The site at Selar - 88 acres - will be the biggest in Europe and
will be visible from space.
There was a fierce battle
to evict a similar site at Brynhenllys 15 miles away last
October - this week they moved in on Selar. It was a completely
full-on eviction. At dawn each morning they arrived and set to work
for ten whole hours, with up to 18 climbers and bailiffs, cherrypickers
and chainsaw crews. Safety guidelines were often totally ignored
as tree houses were trashed. Yet again, it is a miracle that no
one was killed or seriously injured. One woman was grabbed by a
climber, and taken to the ground upside down.
Various ingenious schemes
delayed the eviction. A quarter ton of metal was welded into a geodesic
dome, which would have fallen apart if any part of it was tampered
with - it eventually had to be lowered to the ground and the occupant
removed. A net draped between the trees caused bailiffs some difficulty
and one climber was briefly captured by protesters in the net! However
by Wednesday the whole site had been evicted and another beautiful
place had been trashed in the pursuit of profit...
There are numerous lessons
to be learnt from the eviction of Selar. One is that the bailiffs
and cops are getting good at evictions and we need to constantly
be thinking up more imaginative tactics - an eviction team composed
of climbers used at the evictions of Stanworth, Brymhellys and Selar,
and under the command of Andrew Wilson, Undersheriff of Lancashire,
has been established and is getting quite experienced at evictions.
Perhaps the most important lesson is the need to build local support,
involving more and more people in actively defying the vandals destroying
our countryside. If we learn lessons from evictions like the one
at Selar then the courage and determination of the brave individuals
involved will continue to be an inspiration to us all.
Crap arrest
of the Week
A woman was arrested
at Newbury for blowing a trumpet by the security cordon, this
heinous crime is known by the police as incitement to riot!?!
Not over the MOON
Last Tuesday three people
from the Black Moon Sound System became the first people in the
country to fall foul of Section 63 of the Criminal Justice Act -
and lose their six grand rig in the process - after being nicked
at the ill-fated Mother festival in Corby last summer.
In a six hour trial they
we're found guilty of "failing to leave the land as soon as
reasonably practicable" after being directed to do so by the
police. Two of them were given a £250 fine and the other £100 costs
with a one years conditional discharge.
They were given just
1 hour and 40 minutes to pack up sound equipment, lights and generators
despite being in different areas of a vast site at the time the
direction was given! A copper also admitted to the court that it
took at least 10 officers half an hour to pack equipment into a
Bruno told SchNEWS "All
three of us now have criminal records and are thousands of pounds
out of pocket, all for the crime of trying to provide free entertainment,
on remote, disused land for people who can't afford to pay expensive
club prices."
Black Moon are desperate
to return to playing free parties and festivals as soon as they
can replace their rig.
They are appealing to
any sympathetic sound systems, clubs, lottery winners etc. for donations/benefit
nights Gave 'em a bell on 01298 27475
It's a Thursday, seven
weeks into the Third Battle of Newbury and the evictions have just
begun. In the same week that Selar is completely trashed, the climbers
move to Snelsmore - the oldest camp on the route of the Newbury
Bypass. The bailiffs and climbers turned up at this beautiful camp
at 4am (CHECK!) and within hours had sealed up the tunnels and cleared
ground benders and nearby trees.
Weirdly, climbers cut
walkways and pulled people out of the trees but didn't trash the
tree houses. This could be because they didn't want to be too heavy
on the first day as there was a high press presence. Or it could
be so they can just move around trashing bits of different camps
so protesters are spread out everywhere not knowing where work will
be going on the following morning. Then again maybe, they're just
stupid and they don't realise that if they leave the tree houses
up, we will climb up them again.
Whatever's going on
in their heads, the only thing we can do is
GET UP THERE NOW! 01635 45544
single gesture of defiance is worth more than a thousand
angry words
Everyone in society,
save for a privileged few, are served up a pretty bum deal in society.
Every week SchNEWS serves up a putrid diet of it. However, there
is one sector of society who have to put up with all the usual crap,
as well as a myriad of other daily mountains to climb: the 10% of
the population who are disabled.
The Disabled People's
Direct Action Network (DAN) raise the issues of discrimination,
lack of provision and ignorance.
"Many disabled
people have participated fully in the democratic process, only to
be unfairly denied the opportunity of civil rights based legislation.
They will continue to participate in non-violent direct action in
order to bring about these necessary changes to public transport.
This in turn will benefit all members of society." (DAN
The vehicle they use
to raise awareness is the audacious publicity stunt. On the 11th
March they are going to visit Tony Blair at Labour HQ (Walworth
Road, London), and thumb cuff themselves to his cheesy grin. (or
sound bite machine.) On the 29th-30th March is DAN's National Action
for the year. Nottingham is a virtual "crip-free zone"
as far as public transport is concerned. The action will have a
Robin Hood theme, and if last year's action is anything to go by,
it will be a great couple of days for all, disabled and able bodied
The venue for 1995's
Day of Action was Birmingham:
We didn't just stop
a few buses and trains, we changed the perceptions of disabled people
in the minds of non-disabled society. We showed we were strong and
unified. A picture that is a thousand times removed from the images
seen on the charitv posters We weren't being humble or grateful.
We were angry and loud, and that angry voice shouting for its rights
was ONE VOICE. It was music to my ears. (Paul Green, DAN activist)
The protests have been
effective. National Express Coaches for one have approached DAN
with a view to discussing how Britain's coach network can be made
more accessible.
In the ran-up to the
next General Election the main target constituency for actions will
be Bury North, seat of Alistair Burt, the Minister for Disabled
Rights. They are also targeting 24 other seats around the country.
DAN's merchandising is
just as uncompromising as their actions. For example, they produce
a poster saying: "I'm too sexy for a charity poster".
Their "Piss on Pity' are a fine seller. Put bluntly, they don't
take any shit.
1996 promises to be DAN's
busiest year yet. Lock on to those buses, and maybe do a hit of
fare dodging while you're at it!
* Contact DAN at 3 Wood
Green, 3 Crawley Road, Wood Green, London N22 6AN (0181 889 1361).
A list of local organisers can be obtained from them.
Cuba 4: USA 11,000,000
Four members of 'Brothers
to the Rescue' (Anti-Castro Cuba gangsters living in Florida - no
friends of ours) were shot down by Cuban MIG fighter planes
in Cuban air space last Saturday. President Clinton demanded the
immediate approval by the UN of a further tightening of the puerile,
psychotic, hegemonic - inspired 37 year-old economic blockade of
the island. After slight editing (removal of the really nasty
bits), Clinton and the 700,000 strong Cuban exile community (ie.
voters) were happy. Justice? Socialismo o Muerte!
Cuba Solidarity Campaign.
Red Rose Club, 129 Seven Sisters Rd. London N7 7QG.
(SchNEWS will be publishing
their 'Beginner's Guide To Cuba' in bits and bobs over the next
few months.)
Signing on has resumed
at Brighton's Job Centres following the unsuccessful end of the
strike by workers in 40 or so Employment Service offices up and
down the country. But the struggle against the Job Seekers Allowance
continues, now with stronger ties to the opposition on the other
side of the counter. The movement is getting organised! Demonstrations
are planned for April to coincide with the governments workfare
(forced work for dole) pilot schemes. Let's make sure this experiment
in slave labour ends in failure. Pencil these dates in now! April
9th Demonstrations against Job Seekers Allowance in London
April 13th Demonstrations
in Hull and Medway to kick off a campaign to sabotage the work-for-dole
schemes starting in those towns in April.
Party And Protest
WED 6th 9.45 hearing
in Brighton Magistrates Court for those arrested at Valentines Day
Reclaim The Streets
FRI 8th March
International Womens Day 0121 235 4475/0161 234 3391
SAT 9th March
Motor-car on trial! 01904415755
MSUN 10th March
National Demo in support of Tibet 0171 3597573
MON 11th Mar
Newbury Benefit at the Joint, Brighton DJ's Lettuce, Ugly Day &
FRI 15th March
joint benefit gig for Justice for Keith Mann and MOVE. @ The Richmond.
Frothy murmurs + Brian Wilson + DJ Chris Natural. Tickets
£4 from JFKM or on the door
SAT 16th March
ALARM UK National Conference, Nottm. info, on: 0181 983 3572
SAT 16th Green
Student Network Gathering in Cambridge 01223 227187
SAT 16th Stonehenge
Benefit Gig at Glastonbury Assembly Rooms 01458 834677
SAT 16th Fur Trade
Hit! Meet 12 noon outside Hockleys Fur Shop Conduit St off Regent
St 0171 8377557
SUN 17th National
Animal Rights Coalition Gathering Conferences in North and the South
of the country 01902 711935
MON 25th March
l0am Lewes Crown Court Robin Webb and David Hammond A.L.F. activists
arrested for alleged possession of a sawn off shotgun and 20 rounds
of ammo (Bollocks!)
SchNEWS in brief
Those evicted at the
M66 protest were recently told that they could reclaim their personal
belongings only to find (surprise surprise) that they were incinerated
on a tip with 200 tons of household refuse. The following Tuesday
they then received a letter stating that they had no knowledge of
any items being taken. Tameside council are now suing the protesters
for costs for removal of 10 tons of waste! The protesters are also
suing but for £25,000 worth of stolen personal belongings.
A pregnant woman there
had her caravan that had been crushed between two lorries and then
had sledge hammers on it to finish it off. Amazingly enough she
was told that it was still in good condition and could pick it up,
a few days later they decided that it wasn't actually in that good
a condition as it was flat packed ready to reassemble
*** Shell held
a recruitment drive at Cambridge University yesterday. Naughty activists
infiltrated and caused chaos. They were told to leave, and refused.
Recruitment drive abandoned.
and finally
Do you know who we
Well we could
say its been a little hectic this week but hey we here at Justice?
can handle the pace. Just picture the scene - a few hours sleep
after a rather drunken SchLive trip to the Green Party Conference
in Dover, we decide to fax a few news agencies a story about Our
Squatting Estate Agency. BANG! What followed was an avalanche of
media coverage that should have led to us killing each other. And
while SchNEWS has no illusions about the media that small five paragraphs
of press release text has got squatting as a solution to the housing
crisis back on the agenda. And as you would expect our direct deeds
not words approach has wound up everyone from our rentagob MP and
local rag up something chronic. We must be doing something right.
And here we are now in
our brand spanking new squat. Walling for any of you homeless out
there to pop in and get the low-down on the law, and find yourself
an empty property out of the cold to rest your weary head. Infact
anyone who wants to have a cuppa and a chat or get involved head
towards the bottom of Bond Street/corner of Church Street. Seeya
Brighton Clamp down
on lounging!
Whilst drinking
in a near empty Prince George pub in Brighton Justice bod Chris
was ordered by the landlady to 'sit up straight!' 'We don't tike
loungers or slouchers in this pub' 'But what else do you
do in a lounge bar other than lounge?' 'Clear Off'. Justice
hod can now be found slouching in the Kensington.
warns all readers not to attend any illegal gatherings or take part
in any criminal activities. Always stay within the law. In fact
please just sit in, watch TV and go on endless Xmas shopping sprees
filling your home and lives with endless consumer crap. you will
then feel content. Honest.
Subscribe! Keep
SchNEWS free! Just send 1st class stamps leg 20 for 20 issues) or
donations (payable to Justice?). Mark 'Original' if you plan to
copy: SchNEWS c/o on-the-fiddle PO Box 2600 Brighton East Sussex
BN2 2DX. Tel: (01273) 685913.
Next Justice meeting
Wednesday 6th March, 7:30pm at the squatting estate agency.
SchNEWS is free to all
prisoners - just send us your address
special thanks to Jarvis
Cocker - direct action mate
