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The weekly newsletter from Justice? - Brighton's direct action collective

Issue 633 Articles:

Self Defence

Rubbish Arrest of the Week

Skelton's in the Closet

Harlem Globesquatters

Dubya or Quits

Party & Protest

Squat's the Big Deal

Tied Up in Notts

Coalmouth Action

...And Finally...


Home | Friday 23rd May 2008 | Issue 633

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Residents of Dalston, London, being priced out of their houses as they watch the economic forces of gentrification fill their streets with overpriced coffee chains and other global franchises, are to be visited by some seasoned anti-gentrification activists from New York. Juan Haro, a speaker from Movement for Justice in El Barrio, will bring his experience of fighting the same forces in Harlem to help Dalston residents resist the landlords and multinationals who are destroying the fabric of their community.

Haro commented, “Here in El Barrio (East Harlem, New York City), landlords, multi-national corporations and local, state and federal politicians and institutions want to force upon us their culture of money, they want to displace poor families and rent their apartments to rich people, white people with money. They want to change the look of our neighbourhood, with the excuse of “developing the community.

* May 24th, at Passing Clouds, Richmond Rd, Dalston, The talk has been arranged by Hackney Solidarity Network, starts 7pm, followed by Latin bands and djs (talk - free, music - a fiver).





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