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The weekly newsletter from Justice? - Brighton's direct action collective

Issue 633 Articles:

Self Defence

Rubbish Arrest of the Week

Skelton's in the Closet

Harlem Globesquatters

Dubya or Quits

Party & Protest

Squat's the Big Deal

Tied Up in Notts

Coalmouth Action

...And Finally...


Home | Friday 23rd May 2008 | Issue 633

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Two men arrested by Nottingham Police under the Terrorism Act have been released without charge – after 7 days. One was a student the other a member of staff at Nottingham University. Nottingham cops staged a major uniformed operation on campus during the arrests and subsequent house searches.

And what triggered the clampdown? – the discovery by a clerical worker of an edited Al-Qaeda training manual. One small thing – it had been downloaded from a U.S Government website. The student was in fact researching U.S foreign policy and his personal tutor stated that she was in possession of similar materials.

The Uni bent over backwards to assist the cops, saying the institution “has been co-operating fully from the outset throughout this inquiry. Here, at the institution, we fully accept that this sort of police operation is necessary and reasonable for the welfare of our communities.” This fawning was repaid by one investigating officer who told academic staff “This would never have happened if the student had been white.”

During questioning, the police regularly attempted to collate information about student activism and peaceful campaigning. They asked numerous questions about the student peace magazine ‘Ceasefire’, and other student activities. The overt police presence on campus, combined with increased and intimidating police presence at recent peaceful demonstrations, has created a climate of fear amongst some students. Many saw the operation as a message from the police that they are likely to arrest those who have been engaged in peaceful political activities. University authorities also spoke of stopping groups or individuals who “unsettle the harmony of the campus.”





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