Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 17th October 2008 | Issue 651

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Fed up with constant police harassment of political stalls in Liverpool town centre, activists hit back with a Liverpool Freedom of Expression day of action last Saturday (11th).

Despite stalls having been held in the areas for years, the last few months have seen increasingly intimidatory tactics being used by police against campaigners. Ten stalls ranging from anti-war to animal rights set up in Church St, and just minutes later police swooped and began seizing leaflets.

Cops made two arrests but had trouble getting a van in to take the arrested away - they had to force their way through crowds of onlookers and passersby outraged by their heavy handedness. Abuse reined down on them from all sides before they manhandled everyone out of the way and went back to the nick with their tails between their legs.


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