Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 17th October 2008 | Issue 651

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The City of London took another pounding last week... and not just financial. Students and activists had taken stock and, on the afternoon of Friday 10th , shared a rolling demo against the big bank bail-out. Ostensibly organised by the Socialist Workers Student Society, it was a little feistier than their usual A to B hold-a-placard excursions.

Several hundred came together on short notice, meeting at Bank tube station and catching the City of London Police by surprise. The march was initially repulsed as it headed to the Bank of England but soon split off into side streets � pushing through disorganised police lines as it went.

Protesters also forced their way into the Royal Exchange � confusingly not a stock-exchange but an upmarket shopping mall for the super rich. Well it�s the thought that counts. Meanwhile some Clown Army types walked around with a banner saying, �There�s no business like no business� and the march ended with a sit-down with speeches at Bishopsgate.

* There will be a similar event in Edinburgh, meeting on October 24th, 4.30pm at the top of the Mound, outside the corporate HQ of HBOS, one of the failing banks being bailed out. See

* Also watch out for demos spooking out the Bank Sector around the country for Halloween. On October 31st dress up in your best garb and head to Lehman Brothers, 25 Bank Street, London, 5pm � midnight

** Aneurin Bevan Statue on Queen Street near Bradford and Bingley Bank, Cardiff, at 5pm

** EDO MBM on Oct 29th, Home Farm Road, Brighton, 4-6pm.

** Alternatively, for you cranksters, head to Bristol for a Critical Mass Halloween Solidarity Ride, Oct 28th assembling at College Green at 5pm, to celebrate the wonders a bicycle can bring - �We do not block the traffic, we are the traffic!

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