Home | Friday 22nd January 2010 | Issue 706

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After months of threats, harassment and night-time tree-felling attempts, Mainshill solidarity camp in South Lanarkshire, Scotland, is gearing up for an eviction date with even more hype than the latest celebrity big whatever. Since June last year the camp has been sabotaging attempts to dig 1.7 million tonnes of new coal from under natural woodland in one of the most heavily mined areas in Europe (see SchNEWS 701) and don’t intend to take this forced removal lying down (unless it’s in front of a bulldozer that is).

Tip-offs have given the date as Monday 25th, so activists are holding a pre-eviction gathering this Saturday 23rd to Tuesday 26th and need bodies to come and support the camp, strengthen the barricades and defend the site. The call is out for anyone who has been involved with the campaign or newcomers to the fight to join them. If you can’t make it down for the weekend, come on the Monday or Tuesday to continue the occupation...

* See www.coalactionscotland.noflag.org.uk

Keywords: mainshill, scotland


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