Home | Friday 22nd January 2010 | Issue 706

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A fundraising event for Latitude Safe Space, Brighton’s new and only women’s homeless shelter, is taking place at The Cowley Club on Saturday 30th January.
Organised by the newly formed Brighton

Anarcha-Feminist Group, the free event runs 10am to 6.30pm with workshops, storytelling, radical knitting, DIY herbalism, subvertising, zine-making, discussions, skill-shares, food and zine distro. All ages and gen­ders are welcome and there will be a creche and vegan food.
Proceeds from the evening gig starting at 7pm go to Latitude Safe Space. The live programme includes music from Aspel Orchid, Beth Swain, Eastlope Blugrass Council and spoken word from political poet Sharon Tyas.

*Contact latitudesafespace@googlemail.com or brightonanarchafeminists@lists.aktivix.org for more info.

Keywords: herstory, machismo, wimmin


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