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Home | Friday 23rd April 2010 | Issue 719

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Migrant rights campaigners will take to the streets this afternoon to protest the collusion between a cleaning company and the UK Border Agency (UKBA).

Lancaster Cleaning Services, having recently taken over the contract for the London branch of Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS), provided the UKBA with information on a worker who had just left the company. The UKBA acted on the information by raiding his house and detaining the man in an unknown location.

It’s not the first time cleaning companies who rely on migrant labour have used the UKBA as a tool against their workers. Migrant cleaners attempting to organise for their rights have been targeted for deportation at the University of SOAS (See SchNEWS 680) and cleaning firm Mitie/Willis.

Many of the workers were members of union UNITE, who have accused campaigners highlighting the issue of “frightening people off from union membership and activity”.
The protest will take place at 5pm, outside UBS, 100 Liverpool Street, London.

* See


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