Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 23rd April 2010 | Issue 719

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In solidarity with the ongoing resistance of campaign group Shell to Sea (see SchNEWS 716) to a gas pipeline in Rossport, Eire, activists blockaded a similar facility on the Norfolk coast. Bacton gas terminal is the largest of its kind in the UK, pumping gas from the North Sea into Britain and mainland Europe.

Protesters laid across the access road to the Shell owned terminal locked into steel arm tubes. They closed the road to traffic for 7 hours, until they were removed by police. Seven of the campaigners were arrested for obstruction of a highway and three have been ordered to appear at court at a later date.

The action on Wednesday (17th) was one of more than 150 protests worldwide being co-ordinated by global environmental action group, Rising Tide, for a day of Fossil Fuels demonstrations.

* For more on the demo see

* Also &


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