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Home | Friday 23rd April 2010 | Issue 719

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On Saturday (17th) members of NSM (National Socialist Movement) from Detroit rallied outside the City Hall of Los Angeles due to the city’s large population of migrants. The 50 strong fascist group encountered hundreds of counter protesters across police lines in a heated stand off that resulted in several arrests, hurled projectiles and LA’s finest in riot gear.

The nationalistic dregs clasped American flags and swastika banners while emitting shouts of “Sieg Heil!”. They were shouted down by such epics as “Hey hey, ho ho, Nazi scum have got to go!” from the 500 protesters. Events reached boiling point as the anti-fascist protesters fought a man inked in Nazi insignia and another fascist sympathiser. There were a total of five arrests. As the protest was wrapping up, the counter protesters left the Nazis with departing mementos, hurling rocks, branches and other keepsakes over the police line.

The confrontation followed a number of recent street marches across the USA calling for reform of legislation to include amnesty for some illegal immigrants. NSM regional director Jeffrey Russell has warned that the group plans to back any political candidate that supports their anti-immigrant message.

* See


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