Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 18th February 2011 | Issue 759

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If you’ve ever helped yourself to food from a skip, you’re likely to have had a few close calls with security goons. What you’ve probably not experienced is police arriving at your home, threatening entry with a battering ram if you don’t let them in, arresting you in handcuffs for ‘theft by finding’, and raiding your home.

This is what happened to Sasha Hall, a shop worker from Essex, who is due to stand trial later this month. Her local Tesco had left £3000 worth of food to go to waste on the street after a power cut, so she helped herself to waffles, ham and pies.

So, not only was she busted as aggressively as as a suspected murderer, her last meal was really crap too.


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