Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 18th February 2011 | Issue 759

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Over the weekend Brighton squatters occupied the planned site of a new supermarket.

Sainsbury’s are plotting to open a new mini-market in the space recently vacated by popular ethnic food retailer, Taj, in Brighton’s Kemptown. For many locals concerned with the corporate takover of the area, this comes worrying hot on the heels of last year’s lost battle against the opening of Starbucks (see SchNEWS 685).

Repeated attempts by cops and bailiffs to secure entry have been rebuffed as call outs have brought the mob running. The first meeting was attended by eighty people.

This Saturday (19th), is ‘Make Your Space’ Day, so get down from 12-6 pm to help decorate and organise the space. One squatter told SchNEWS, “by occupying the building we are able to open it up to everyone in the community to get involved, make it their own, and use it to get all kinds of self-organised community responses to these difficult times going: everything from protests against the government’s cuts, to local volunteer-run projects to directly help people here and now.’

The occupiers have now received a notice of court proceedings and are due at Brighton County Court on Wednesday 23rd at 10am. Attend to show your support for the campaign and to keep the new community space open.

Local residents’ group, ‘No More Supermarkets In Kemptown’ are lobbying for the government to introduce planning powers to enable local authorities to restrict the number of large supermarkets in any one area (OK, it’s not exactly Fire to the Prisons but, hey). There is an e-petition on the council website asking the council to protect the ‘uniqueness’ of Brighton and stop it being turned into yet another clone city: The planning apps BH2010/03967 and BH2010/03968 are at: Only lodged recently, there is still plenty of time left to sabotaj...


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