Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 22nd July 2011 | Issue 780

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Feel-good story of the week is surely the heart-warming tale (tail?) of a stray dog called Loukanikos (which translated is ‘Sausage’ apparently, although we prefer ‘Likes Anarchists’). He has been involved in the Greek protest scene for years and is regularly caught on riot footage, often brazenly running the gauntlet in no-man’s land between protesters and police, barking and taunting the police line. Despite the carnage and constant tear-gas assaults he doggedly keeps coming back for more, setting an inspiring example for his human co-demonstrators.    

His exploits have not gone unnoticed, and Sausage is one hot dog in medialand. In true 21st c style, Louk has become a You Tube star. Videos showcasing the canine crusader abound (Scroogle: ‘Greek riot dog’) and he is also the subject of a David Rovic song, no less (see A hero for our times has been unleashed...


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