Home | Friday 22nd July 2011 | Issue 780
JULY: (23) Brighton Benefits Campaign have called for a Protest Against Welfare Cuts & Privatisation – Sat 23 July, The Level Brighton 12 noon
"The Spuds don’t work” protest against GM crop trials in Norwich – starts 12 noon at The Forum, Millennium Plain, Norwich, NR2 1BH, going to the John Innes Research Centre. Email: info@stopgm.org.uk -:www.stopgm.org.uk
Protest against nuclear waste trains travelling through the Olympic Site. Rally and die-in outside Stratford station 1.30-3pm. Email: david.lrcnd@cnduk.org - www.nonucleartrains.org.uk
A prisoner support campaign has been set up for imprisoned anti-fascists: http://antifascistprisonersupportuk.wordpress.com