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Home | Friday 21st October 2011 | Issue 793

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One for conspiracy nuts everywhere: US government has been hiding evidence of Air Force UFO protocols. The 2008 Air Force Manual included details of what pilots and radar operators should do if they encounter Unidentified Flying Objects.

Oddly, the US Air Force claimed that it ceased investigations into UFOs back in 1969, with the termination of Project Blue Book. When a US news site decided to investigate, the Men in Black in charge of keeping evidence of little green men secret from the public simply removed all mention of UFOs from their new manuals. “The reason why the military is claiming they don’t investigate UFOs is because they don’t want to respond to people like you,” former Air Force Captain Robert Salas told The Huffington Post.

Good idea, there’s nothing that will shut UFO-believers up quicker than a cover up by the military....


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