Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 28th October 2011 | Issue 794

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Dedicating your life to the service of pure evil perhaps isn’t as easy as you might think – volcano bases, monorails and white cats don’t come cheap. But one man is making it look like a breeze – after all how do you go further to the dark side than being a long term Tory and the spokesman for the Countryside Alliance? Well, move on from a stint of defending the rights of inbreds to butcher wildlife with shovels, and attacks on women’s rights with an anti-abortion campaign, and become the press spokesman for a cannibal dictator. That’s the path taken by Adrian Yalland, vice president of Chelgate P.R, who deals with “a number of clients with politically sensitive, complex or complicated communications needs”.

Adrian or ‘Yallers’, as he probably doesn’t want to be known, recently grabbed headlines for co-ordinating an all-expenses-paid trip for Tory M.Ps to Equatorial Guinea, funded by the no doubt entirely independent and utterly non-sinister Triarius Foundation.

Equatorial Guinea is ruled with an iron fist by President Obiang, who together with his network of cronies, pockets the revenue of sub-Saharan Africa’s third largest oil producing country while keeping the rest of the population in abject poverty. The country regularly features as the worst of the worst when it comes to human rights abuses. Obiang has claimed to be a god and has done nothing to deny rumours of cannibalism.

Nice work if you can get it Yallers! After all, a man’s gotta eat...


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