Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 28th October 2011 | Issue 794

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A local meeting of Worthing Planning Committee ended in shock and anger last Thursday (20th) as councillors controversially re-approved the building of 700 homes on land currently occupied by ancient forest, Titnore Woods.

In March 2010, local residents and protest camp occupiers celebrated the end of an eight-year battle (and a four-year tree-camp) as the council threw out the development plans (see SchNEWS 714). However, having let a ‘respectable’ amount of dust settle (and the protest camp totally tat down), that decision has been , er, completely overturned - a move that saw councillors having to sneak out the back door to escape the wrath of locals.

Campaign organisation Protect Our Woodland is appealing for anyone at the meeting to get in touch - as well as anyone wanting to get involved in the re-emerging resistance.

* For an overview of previous resistance seen


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