Copyleft - Information for direct action - Published weekly in Brighton since 1994

Home | Friday 11th November 2011 | Issue 796

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For being ink-capacitated...

One student protester got nicked before he got anywhere near the #Nov9 demo when the coach coming down from Leeds and Bradford got pre-emptively pigged by coppers looking to bust anyone they could get their hands on.

The cops stopped and searched everyone on the bus, looking for any old excuse to cart potential marchers away. And they struck gold (well, it was probably black actually) as they uncovered a large felt tip in possession of one student. They swiftly lay down a marker by nicking the pen’s possessor, and the city of London could breathe a collective sigh of relief as another evildoer was stopped in his tracks.

* Thanks for Green & Black Cross for submitting this story – their legal team provide legal observers on the ground, a 24/7 arrestee support line and follow-up advice for defendants and claimants. So next time you go to a demo, write down their legal support line (07946 541511) and call them if you or anybody else gets arrested, whether it’s a crap arrest or not. See


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