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Party and Protest
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Radical bookshops and independent info distros here
Find out where the free parties are at www.guilfin.net/extra/freeparties.php3
To find about rock festivals in Europe check out www.thefestivalzone.com
For a comprehensive listing of folk, roots and world music festivals
in the UK and Europe check out www.froots.demon.co.uk
For a list of seriously hippy rainbow gathering type festivals
send an SAE to Campscene Directory, 3 Rainbows, Stoodleigh,
Devon, EX16 9QQ http://bobo.realitycom.com/spiritnet
For more information on The Animal Right Calendar, contact
Veggies, Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone Street, Nottingham NG7 6HX.
For information on a wide range of weekend courses on renewable
energy and sustainable development contact Centre for Alternative
Technology Machynlleth, Powys, SY10 9AZ Tel: 01654 703743 www.cat.org.uk
For courses and events about sustainable lifestyles (everything
from composting to fruit tree grafting to pond building) contact
the Permaculture Association, London, WC1N 3XX 0845 458 4150
Festival Eye £3.00 + A4 SAE with 54p worth of stamps to
BCM 2002, London, WC1 3XX www.festivaleye.com