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WORLD WIDE Find out about autonomous centres, info shops, free cafes and reading rooms from all over the globe. www.eco-action.org/infoshops/

BIRMINGHAM Birmingham Anarchist Group c/o PO BOX 6705, Redditch B97 6SQ 07866 443407 bag2k@hotmail.com

BRADFORD 1 in 12 Club, 21-23 Albion St., Bradford 01274 734160 events@1in12.go-legend.net

BRIGHTON SchNEWS - that's us. For free party united soundsystem posse www.bass23.org

BRISTOL http://bristol.indymedia.org Also get a copy of Bristle, Box 25, 82 Colston St., Bristol, BS1 5BB editor@bristle.org.uk www.bristle.org.uk and the weekly Bristolian localnews4us@yahoo.co.uk www.bristolian.freeservers.com

CARDIFF Cardiff Activists Network http://us.geocities.com/bozavine/can/index.html

COLCHESTER Colchester Radical Collective 0798 6654583 email squat@nogm.cjb.net

HEREFORD Hereford Anarchists, c/o PO Box 7, Pontypool, Gwent, NP4 8YB

LEEDS Leeds Earth First! c/o CRC, 16 Sholebroke Ave., Leeds, LS7 3HB Tel 0113 262 9365 leedsef@leedsef.org.uk GreenScene Directory www.cornerstone.ukf.net/crc/greenevents

EDINBURGH CITY is a new independent forum for people interested in creating social change. No specific agenda, but support and information sharing. 2nd Wednesday of every month 7.30pm at Communication Workers' Union (First floor - 15 Brunswick Street, off London Road) Children welcome. www.EdinburghCITY.org.uk or email ace@autonomous.org.uk to get email notice of events.

GLASGOW Anarchist monthly meetings at the John Maclean Centre, 34 Clarendon Place St.Georges Cross on last Wednesday of every month 7.30 pm

HEREFORD herefordanarchists@hotmail.com

LANCASTER Re-Source Centre. Open Wednesdays 12-7pm 78a Penny St. Lancaster LA1-1XN (Below Single step/Whale tale café) Tel 01524-383012

LEICESTER Leicester Radical Alliance, c/o Dept Z, Littlethorn Books, Humberstone Gate, Leicester 07718 629 651 http://radical.members.beeb.net - and don't forget to visit Littlethorn if you're in the area, one of the last radical bookshops in the country 0116 251 2002


LONDON CitY - change it yourself, a meeting space to bring together some of the many diverse social justice and ecological anti-capitalist groups in the Capital. They meet every Tuesday 7.30pm in Jorene Celeste, upstairs room, 256 Kentish Town Road (turn left as you get out of Kentish Town Station, a red pub). 020 7281 4621

Camden Solidarity Group CamdenSolidarity@hotmail.com

Southwark and Lambeth Community Action Network www.salcan.org.uk

West London Anarchists & Radicals, BM Makhno, London WC1N 3XX war1921war@yahoo.co.uk

Walthamstow Anarchist Group 07810 288 889 For copies of The Underdog mag send SAE to PO Box 35832 London E11 3WT www.walthamstowanarchy.org.uk or info@walthamstowanarchy.org.uk

Support your local Social Centre:

South-East London
* Use Your Loaf Social Centre, 227 Deptford High Street, SE8
* 56@infoshop, 56 Crampton Street, London SE17
* Carnivalistas Social Centre, email: carnivalista@yahoo.co.uk

North-East London
* Radical Dairy Social Centre, 47 Kynaston Rd., Stoke Newington, London. 020 7249 6996 theradicaldairy@hotmail.com
* LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street [corner of Parfett St.] Whitchapel E1 020 7377 9088
* EMMAZ Social Centre www.emmaz.org.uk

All these centres are part of a London Social Centre Networks. They have monthly forums. If you are interested in getting involved email londonscn@yahoo.co.uk

LIVERPOOL People Not Profit c/o News From Nowhere Bookshop, 96 Bold St., Liverpool 1 email peoplenotprofit2000@hotmail.com

MANCHESTER, The Loombreaker, c/o Manchester Earth First!, Dept 29, 22a Beswick St., Manchester M4 7HS 0161 226 6814 Loombreaker www.loombreaker.org.uk Riotous Assembly - monthly get together of direct action groups - check Loombreaker out date of the next one. Shortcuts to Manchester a radical guide to taking direct action and interesting stuff to do in and around Manchester (centre of the universe - apparently) for a copy send SAE to Shortcuts, Dept 29, c/o MERCI@Bridge Mill, 22a Beswick Street, Manchester, M4 7HR

NEWCASTLE, Think Globally-Act Locally, PO Box 1TA, Newcastle NE99 1TA, www.tapp.cjb.net email ne991ta@yahoo.com

NORTH STAFFS A web-based network for people working for social and environmental change. Get in touch, get involved: www.actionnet-northstaffs.co.uk

NORTH WALES (email discussion group) bangor-werdd@eGroups.com

NORTH WEST Networking Newsletter Project 6 Mount St., Manchester, M2 5NS www.networkingnewsletter.org.uk

NORWICH www.freenorwich.co.uk Norwich direct action forum meet on the 1st Wednesday of every month. To find out where call 0794 487393 The Norwich Anarchists is a new direct action group for Norfolk. Interested in getting involved then contact PO Box 487, Norwich, NR2 3AL 0794 1657 485

NOTTINGHAM Veggies Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone Street, Nottingham NG7 6HX Phone 0845 458 9595 www.veggies.org.uk Ned Ludd's News Copies are available from the Sumac Centre nottingham_freedom@hotmail.com

READING Roadbusters. Meet first Sunday of every month, 6pm at RISC, 35-39 London Street, Reading. Bring food to share if you can. 0118 954 6430. roadbusters@gn.apc.org www.members.gn.apc.org/~roadbusters

SCOTLAND Global Action Scotland (email discussion group) www.egroups.com/invite/globalactionscotland Direct Action Scotland directactionscotland@yahoogroups.com

SHEFFIELD www.sheffieldmayday.ukf.net

STROUD Valley Anarchists. Produce monthly newsletter 'the Stroudie'' svanarchos@yahoo.co.uk www.geocitites.com/svanarchos

SURREY Surrey Activist Group PO Box 375, Knaphill, Woking, Surrey, GU21 2XL http://sag.antifa.net email saggymail@hushmail.com and Black Star monthly magazine covering anti capitalism and socialism. Contributions welcome Tel: 07810 595392 black_star_news@hotmail.com

lSWANSEA Swan Net diary of events www.geocities.com/swan_net/ or email SwanNetwork@yahoogroups.com

WALES Cynefin y Werin/Common Ground the All-Wales Network publish a monthly diary. To be added to the list benica@gn.apc.org

WALES FLAN (Flintshire Action Network) flandoobie@yahoo.com

WARWICKSHIRE Warwickshire Action Group (WAG) - a non-hierarchical group formed to take grassroots action for the environment, animals, social justice, anti-militarism and anything else we fancy. Meeting soon in Leamington Spa. Interested? Contact wag@hushmail.com

WORTHING The Porkbolter, PO Box 4144, Worthing, BN14 7NZ www.eco-action.org/porkbolter