by Ken Fero (director of 'Injustice') & Tariq Mehmood
Countries where police and paramilitary forces kill with impunity,
where the press sings to the rulers tune and journalists who dare
to write about what they see are stopped either by force or by threats
of legal action are described by the United Kingdoms politicians
and media as dictatorships. But in the UK, police officers can kill,
safe in the knowledge that they will not be prosecuted for their
actions, even if they are found by a jury to have been unlawfully
Since 1969 over 1000 people have died in police custody. No police
officer has ever been convicted for any of these deaths. INJUSTICE
exposes and opposes this outrage. It is a call for justice by the
families of the deceased. It is a voice the police are now trying
to stop.

Jasmine Elvie, mother of Brian Douglas who died police custody in
1995: "Before this I was shy, I'd never been a public speaker"
she tell a crowd in the film.
Voices rising
On 6th July 2001 at 6.30 p.m. INJUSTICE was due to be officially
launched at the Metro Cinema in London. In the audience there were
many relatives of people who had died in police custody. Some had
traveled hundreds of miles for the viewing. The screening was the
culmination of seven years of work and was to be the platform for
the films national release later in the year. With a run already
secured at the Ritzy Cinema and other cinemas to follow, INJUSTICE
was breaking ground in putting feature length documentaries on the
big screen. Apart from the international press present, there were
diplomatic representatives from a number of embassies who were there
to find out more about the human rights abuses that the film documents.
Reviews had been strong. The Guardian called it "one of the
most despairing and powerful films ever made in this country".
The Gleaner called it "moving and militant". On the week
of the Metro launch the film received Critics Choice in Time Out
which called it a "powerful polemical documentary". The
ongoing press and television interest in the launch meant that outside
the cinema, news crews from all over the world were holding interviews
with the filmmakers and the families of those who had died. Many
people were meeting for the first time, for some the evening was
bringing back memories of how their brother, mother, sister or husband
had died. Some of them would be seeing INJUSTICE for the first time
so the atmosphere was charged. This was also to be a celebration,
and a declaration to the world that the families would not stop
fighting for justice.
Police attack
The mood soon changed. At 6.11 p.m. the director of the Metro Cinema
received a fax from the lawyers of two police officers. The solicitors
threatened the cinema with a claim for substantial damages should
it show INJUSTICE. They represented Police Officer Paul Harrison,
who was involved in the death of Brian Douglas and Police Officer
Stephen Highton, the custody officer when Ibrahim Sey was unlawfully
killed. The letter from Russell, Jones & Walker to the Metro
Cinema stated: "You should be aware that should your screening
go ahead, our clients will have no hesitation in pursuing their
rights against your company for very substantial damages that will
be their only means of compensation and vindication." The Metro
had to decide within minutes whether they should go ahead with the
The decision was taken. In the cinema Eva Kirkhope, the director
of the Metro stood before a stunned audience and read out the police
solicitors letter. Some of the family members burst out crying in
disbelief. Others in the audience demanded the cinema go ahead with
the screening. Many of them had spent years fighting their case
and at every step of the way police solicitors, the press office
of the Metropolitan Police Service, the Police Complaints Authority
and the Crown Prosecution had effectively gagged their voices. Now
they were trying to do it again. The very heart of the film, that
the officers responsible should be prosecuted for these deaths,
was being threatened. Eva wanted to consult her lawyers but in view
of lack of time it was not possible. She was a widow, trying to
raise two children and the cinema was her livelihood. As such she
could take no risk and pulled INJUSTICE. The film was under attack
from the police. As filmmakers we went on national television and
spoke about the appalling distress the actions of the police had
caused the families that night. We also made the point that no matter
how hard they tried the police could never suppress the film which
had already gained international interest. As usual the police refused
to comment. The next days headlines read: "Film Screening pulled
after police legal threat" The Independent and "Death
in Custody film halted by police action" The Guardian.
We issued a press statement in which we vowed to fight on. We stated:
"In a letter which was sent to the Metro Cinema at 6.11 p.m.,
only 19 minutes before the scheduled screening, Russell, Jones &
Walker Solicitors make inaccurate claims about the content of the
film. One of the officers they represent is not even named in the
film. Out of the three main cases those of Ibrahim Sey and Shiji
Lapite resulted in inquest verdicts of unlawful killing. In the
third case, that of Brian Douglas, the film presents overwhelming
evidence for the prosecution of the two officers involved, one of
whom is represented by the solicitors. We are appalled at the bullying
tactics that the police have employed to stop the film being shown."
Active Audience
Over the next few days Migrant Media booked Conway Hall, run by
the South Place Ethical Society. It was important to screen the
film urgently and not to bow down to the police threats. Conway
Hall were well known to have a policy of standing up for freedom
of speech. By now we had engaged David Price Solicitors, a firm
specialising in media libel, who had provided a legal opinion that
could safeguard Conway Hall in the event that the police try to
stop the film again.
On Wednesday July 11th families began to gather at the Hall. As
the screening time approach people who had come from as far as Manchester,
Liverpool and Birmingham arrived. Around 5.45 p.m. Conway Hall started
received faxes from Police solicitors threatening legal action against
the screening of INJUSTICE. We hoped that they would be able to
stand up to police pressure. They didn't. There were around 250
people in the hall at this time. The manager switched on the lights
making it impossible to see the film. He informed the audience that
he could not show the film because of the legal threats. People
were shocked. Many families had been at the Metro the previous Friday
and they began to protest, angrily.
The manager refused the requests for allowing the screening to
go ahead. For some it was the final straw. A cry went out: "Let's
occupy the hall". The audience took control of the projector
and started running the film. The manager threatened to turn the
power off. Some people rushed to stop this from happening. As the
struggle between the manager and the audience intensified, around
50 people drifted away from the screening. INJUSTICE continued to
be screened, with many people in the audience shedding tears at
the suffering and showing pride at the resistance on the screen.
Conway Hall called the police. On hearing this, the audience barricaded
the doors and continued to screen INJUSTICE. Two police officers
arrived a few minutes later but after discussing the situation with
them they agreed that it was a civil matter and left without taking
any action. Some lights were still on and this affected the quality
of the projection. Having to watch families of those killed by police
watching a film about the death of their loved ones in these conditions
was intolerable. But at the same time there was a feeling of strength
and power in the audience. They had taken an important stand not
just in support of the film but as a group of people prepared to
stand up against police threats. It was a night that many of them
said they would never forget.
The events of Conway Hall were widely reported: "Audience
hijacks hall to see death in custody film" Evening Standard.
"Injustice goes ahead, despite threats" Screen International.
"Crowd defies death film legal threats" The Metro.
The next day we gave television and radio interviews, as always
making the struggle of the families central to our arguments. We
demanded that the police desist from their actions and allowed people
to see INJUSTICE, without intimidation and threats. We have continued
to show our film wherever people have asked us to and will continue
to do so.
Marking the struggle
Even before the police's attempts to suppress the film it had already
been screened in London. On Thursday 5th April 2001, INJUSTICE was
shown at the Ritzy Cinema in Brixton. It was fitting that the film
had its pre-launch in an area of London in which Brian Douglas,
one of the men killed by police and featured in the film, grew up
and lived. It was also the 20th anniversary of the Brixton uprisings
when Black youth had taken to the street and rebelled against police
that had been harassing them. INJUSTICE was being screened as the
closing night film for the US based Human Rights Watch International
Film Festival. There were two showings of both to packed houses.
The audience included the families and friends of those who died
in police custody. They sat in an emotionally charged first screening.
Some of the audience wept, others were angry at the brutality of
the police officers and the inhumanity of the judicial system. Throughout
there was pin drop silence, broken by cries of disbelief or shouts
encouraging the struggles on screen. Many people were shocked at
the deaths but they were also impressed by the courage and resilience
shown by the families portrayed so powerfully in the film.
At the end of the film the audience sat in a momentary contemplative
silence and then participated in a lively debate featuring the families
of Joy Gardner, Brian Douglas, Christopher Alder and Harry Stanley.
Each family gave an update on what was happening in their cases
and also on the coalition they had formed, the United Families and
Friend Campaign, which the film had captured the birth of. People
wanted to know how they could help. The families urged the audience
to come and join the campaigns and gave dates of the next few major
events. Many wanted to know how they could get the film shown in
colleges and community centres across London, nationally and internationally.
Keeping the spirit
After Conway Hall the police strategy had become clear when they
began to threaten every organisation, cinema or venue that wanted
to show INJUSTICE with libel actions. They were trying to ban the
film using intimidation. The film exposes human rights abuses which
they believed they had covered up. It depicts the frustrations that
families had experienced as every door they opened in their search
for justice was slammed in their faces. The police were trying to
use the same technique to try and gag the film. Our response has
been to out manoeuvre their 'legal terrorism' and make sure the
film lives on. In some senses INJUSTICE has taken on the spirit
of the dead people who we are trying to help get justice for.
Even as we struggle to show the film in cinemas, on the streets
the deaths continue. On Thursday 12th July Andrew Kernan, was shot
dead in Liverpool. On Monday 16th July Derek Bennett, was shot six
times by police in Brixton. He was taken to King's College Hospital
where he was pronounced dead. On the 17th July we arranged a press
screening of INJUSTICE at the Cornerhouse Cinema in Manchester.
The police solicitors wrote to us demanding the names of those who
had been in attendance. We refused to give them the names in order
to protect the journalists present. The number of officers they
were representing had also increased and now included police officer
Mark Tuffey, who had hit Brian Douglas with such force on his head
that he fractured his skull causing his death and police officer
Jackie Cannon who had sprayed CS gas in Ibrahim Sey's face as he
was restrained by at least four other officers.
The controversy over the film was increasing. On the 24th July
the film was screened by the Metropolitan Police Authority, the
body meant to oversee the police in London. The solicitors wrote
to the MPA wanting them to stop the screening but it went ahead.
After the screening the Police Federation, the organisation that
was backing the officers in their legal action was told to "grow
up" by Lord Harris the Chair of the MPA. Apart from Channel
4 News, television crews from Iran, France and Japan covered the
Two days later, on the 26th July INJUSTICE was pulled hours before
a public screening at the Cornerhouse Cinema in Manchester after
legal threats but an alternative venue has been arranged so the
film still filled the hearts of over 150 people in Manchester that
night and many vowed to arrange other screenings. For us every person
that sees the film is a victory. Now it is hundreds, soon it will
be thousands. Then it will be millions.
As the battle intensified we challenged the police to sue us and
by the end of August they had gone quiet. Over the last few months
Injustice has been screened in Vienna, Derry, Belfast, New York
and Tehran. International Film Festivals have selected the film
for 2002 and it has begun a cinema run in central London and across
the UK. All these screenings have raised the issue of deaths in
police custody to an international level and the families are also
beginning to organise at an international level.
The power of the film is in the words of the families. Towards
the end of the film Brenda Weinberg, the sister of Brian Douglas,
reflects the burning feelings felt in many audiences: "Dead
is dead it's permanent, it's forever and wanting justice for that
death is also forever. It's a forever wanting. I will always want
it and will never rest until it's achieved. If it's meeting MPs,
if it's joining groups or campaigning or fighting or making a damned
nuisance of myself. That wanting of justice and eventually getting
it is my goal because I can't grieve, I can't put Brian to rest,
ever, if I know someone's walking around out there responsible for
his death and they haven't been taken to justice. The only thing
that does happen is that as the time gets longer it's any kind of
justice. It can be legal justice or street justice. I don't really
care anymore."
INJUSTICE is a film that the world needs to see. It is as much
a film about family love as it is about resistance. It is at the
forefront of the struggles of the families who want to see the police
officers responsible for the deaths of their loved ones prosecuted
and convicted for their crimes. It is just a matter of time.
