Mark Barnsley Is Free
STOP PRESS: Mark Barnsley was released from Whitemoor Prison,
25th June 2002. (yay!!) We have included the statement from the
'Free Mark Barnsley' website as an update, and although this development
may make the article below seem by-the-by in Mark's case, there
are many others wrongly imprisoned, and this still stands as an
example of the things campaigns to free them are up against...
Statement on 'Free Mark Barnsley' website upon his release:
Justice for Mark Barnsley Campaign, are overjoyed to announce that
miscarriage of justice prisoner Mark Barnsley was finally released
from Whitemoor prison on the morning of Monday 24th June 2002.
Mark walked out of maximum securty HMP Whitemoor to loud cheers
and applause from waiting supporters. Friends, eager to welcome
Mark out of prison had travelled from around the country and included
an official delegation from the NUM, complete with their National
Union banner.
After having his first decent breakfast in 8 years at a local cafe
and thanking everyone for coming, Mark set off back to South Yorkshire
where he will be living for the foreseeable future. He was later
reunited with his children. Mark's youngest daughter who is now
8 years old, last saw him outside a prison when she was just 6 weeks
After spending over 8 years in just about every Maximum security
hell- hole the prison system has to offer, Mark is in good spirits
and obviously glad to be finally out. Mark and his campaign would
like to take ths opportunity to thank everyone who has supported
him over his 8 long years of wrongful imprisonment.
Whilst Mark tries to re-build his life and adjust to living in
the outside world again the Justice for Mark Barnsley campaign will
continue to help him get the justice which is long overdue. Mark
has been released after serving two thirds of his 12 year prison
sentence but he has yet to clear his name and have his wrongful
conviction overturned. Prior to his release Mark refused to sign
his licence on the principle that he is an innocent man and freedom
is his right.
Another Year Inside
Mark has made solidarity an abiding principle of his political
life-both in prison and during his life outside. Throughout 2001-2002
he and another dedicated prisoner-activist, John Bowden, held regular
monthly hunger strikes in solidarity with the Turkish hunger strikers.
Mark has also always refused to work inside and has sought to highlight
the injustice inherent in prison labour. In August 2001, supporters
of the campaign took direct action against forced prison labour
in Britain, invading and shutting down Hepworth Building Products
in Edlington, South Yorkshire. Hepworths use prisoners at HMP Wakefield
to package their products for 32p an hour. Mark commented "I
really hope actions against companies like this carry on; they are
an easy target on the outside and it is so inspiring to those on
the inside. Prisons themselves can stand up to pressure but the
companies that profit from them can't. This is what I call real
solidarity." With New Labour proposing a Custody-to-Work scheme
which will pave the way for a US style prison-industrial complex
- such action will need to be repeated whenever and wherever companies
seek to profit from prison labour.
At the beginning of 2001 The Justice for Mark Barnsley Campaign
started regularly picketing the then Prisons Minister Paul Boateng's
Harlesden surgeries to protest Mark's segregation and his subsequent
transfer to HMP Wakefield. By May Boateng was gone and David Blunkett
was Home Secretary, so we took the battle to his doorstep.
Militant as the Justice for Mark Barnsley Campaign has continued
to be, there is an obvious downside to all this. It's now eight
years since Mark entered the prison system - and while it is good
news that the Criminal Cases Review Commission has begun to investigate
his conviction it remains a disgrace that so few are involved in
campaigning to free a working class anarchist militant so obviously
fitted up. In the last year, Mark has continued to be shipped from
jail to jail-Frankland, Wakefield, Leeds, Whitemoor - with long
spells in segregation.
We've lost count of the number who've written to Mark to promise
that "they won't sleep until he's free" and then must
decide to keep their insomnia to themselves as neither we nor Mark
hear from them again. Just as bad are those who let us down by failing
to turn up on activities because "it was raining" or "I
had an hangover" or "I caught the wrong bus". The
bottom line is that if you call an activity in support of a prisoner
and it's poorly attended, the message to the state is that the prisoner
has sweet f.a in terms of support and so he or she is exposed to
the danger of further repression on the basis that there's little
in the way of active solidarity to prevent it. If you say you'll
be there and aren't - you don't just let the prisoner down you put
him or her at risk.
The media continues to operate a "blackout" policy in
relation to the campaign. We've been told Mark's politics make him
"not innocent enough", that the case is too old to be
newsworthy etc etc. Whatever we do, however many press releases
we send out, the mainstream media acts as if we don't exist. When
we marched on Downing Street (and you'd think the first protest
against the new government on their first day in office might be
worth reporting) the press asked the police to shut us up as they
thought our presence might deter new Cabinet Ministers from stepping
out for a photo opportunity!! So much for a critical and independent
media. It's not just in relation to Mark's case - the fitting-up
of working class people and their abuse in the prison system rarely
makes the news. Our prison population goes through the roof, the
gap between rich and poor grows ever wider-but the papers are full
of mobile phone thefts and carjackings and the crimes of Enron disappear.
New Labour wants to believe that the working class doesn't exist
(except as jail fodder) and the press are determined to report the
news as if the wish were reality.
We'll continue fighting until Mark is free and his name cleared.
We need more people to get involved. One of the strengths of the
campaign has been the space it's offered for an older generation
of working class anarchists to work alongside the new generation
of anti-capitalist militants around groups like Earth First! Such
collaboration has been a real gain and we hope it will continue.
Justice for Mark Barnsley Campaign
email: barnsleycampaign@hotmail.com
Prisoner Support
It is important to support those imprisoned for their beliefs
- one day it could be you. Read about how you can help a prisoner
- see 'Prisoner Support' in the DIY Guide section of the SchNEWS
website, or read it in last year's SchNEWS/Squall Yearbook 2001
annual. Also: www.brightonabc.org.uk.
